Using scripts to make automated changes - Google Ads Help
Google Ads scripts let you automate actions in your Google Ads account by entering JavaScript code in your account. You can use scripts to create, edit, or remove items in your account, saving you time and letting you manage your account more easily.
Get started with the new Google Ads scripts experience
Validation is a way to simulate the execution of your script—meaning that you can check your script for errors and ensure that the output is what you expect before it runs. Going forward, the validation process will make sure that account and campaign limits are respected, keyword bids don’t exceed their campaign budget, URLs are properly ...
Using scripts to make automated changes - Google Ads Help
Google Ads scripts let you automate actions in your Google Ads account by entering JavaScript code in your account. You can use scripts to create, edit or remove items in your account, saving you time and letting you manage your account more easily.
About script templates - Google Ads Help
In your Google Ads account, you can create scripts using Javascript to change bids, pause ad groups, and add keywords. These templates can be used in your account without creating a new script manually. For more information about script templates, visit the Google Ads Developer site. Script template types. Templates are available for the ...
Usar scripts para fazer alterações automatizadas - Ajuda do …
Depois de criar seu script, siga as etapas abaixo para adicionar à sua conta: Na sua conta do Google Ads, clique no ícone de ferramentas. Clique no menu suspenso Ações em massa no menu da seção. Clique em Scripts. Clique no botão de adição para criar um novo script. No campo "Nome do script", na parte superior, dê um nome ao script.
Iniziare a utilizzare i nuovi script Google Ads
Gli script Google Ads rappresentano un metodo flessibile ed efficace per apportare modifiche automatiche nel tuo account Google Ads. Il codice JavaScript personalizzato ti consente di utilizzare gli script per modificare le offerte, mettere in pausa i gruppi di annunci, aggiungere parole chiave ed eseguire altre attività comuni.
Wissenswertes zu den neuen Google Ads-Skripts
Die Google Ads-Skripts sind eine flexible, leistungsstarke Methode, um automatisierte Änderungen in Ihrem Google Ads-Konto vorzunehmen. Mithilfe von benutzerdefiniertem JavaScript-Code lassen sich so Gebote ändern, Anzeigengruppen pausieren, Keywords hinzufügen und andere Routineaufgaben erledigen.
Effectuer des modifications automatiques à l'aide de scripts
Dans votre compte Google Ads, cliquez sur l'icône Outils. Cliquez sur le menu déroulant Actions groupées dans le menu des sections. Cliquez sur Scripts. Cliquez sur le bouton Plus pour créer un script. Dans le champ "Nom du script" situé en haut, attribuez un nom au script.
Scripts gebruiken om geautomatiseerde wijzigingen aan te brengen
U kunt een script uitschakelen door op Opties te klikken en vervolgens Uitschakelen te kiezen. Als u een script opnieuw wilt activeren, klikt u op het icoon met 3 stippen en selecteert u vervolgens 'Uitgeschakeld weergeven' om alle gedeactiveerde scripts te bekijken. Klik op Inschakelen om het script opnieuw te activeren.
Where to place ad unit code in your HTML
This article explains where to add ad unit code in your HTML to serve AdSense ads.