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An Introduction to Adidam
In 1972, Avatar Adi Da established Adidam, a way of life founded on His unprecedented Divine Revelation and Wisdom. Through the gift of Adidam, Avatar Adi Da offers His devotees the opportunity of participation in a unique esoteric school of practice, in direct relationship with Him.
Resources - Official Adidam Websites
Learn about Avatar Adi Da Samraj and the Reality-Way of Adidam from this central website. The site offers beautiful photographs of Him, articles about His Life and Teaching, links to Adidam centers, events and courses.
The Transcendental Spiritual Teaching of Avatar Adi Da
In this section of the Adidam website, you can: study passages from Avatar Adi Da's "first and foremost" book, The Aletheon explore an outline of Avatar Adi Da's Teaching Literature
Adidam Worldwide Centers
A list of the Adidam Centers in the Americas, Asia-Pacific, Australia, Eurpoe, and India. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website.
The Gnosticon - Adidam
In The Gnosticon (which means "The Book of Knowledge"), Avatar Adi Da examines the Transcendentalist Teachings of the Great Sages, in light of His own Revelation of the Transcendental Spiritual Reality-Way of Adidam.
An Introduction to Avatar Adi Da Samraj
An Introduction to Avatar Adi Da. The One Who Would Awaken You. I am not merely on one "tribal" side or another. I Transcend all — and I Include all.
Empowered Sanctuaries - Adidam
Over the years, Adidam has built temples and meditation halls in each of Avatar Adi Da's three principal sanctuaries.
Events in Adidam Worldwide
ADIDAM ™ Events & Courses Click here to find out about retreats, workshops, online events and education around the world to learn more about Avatar Adi Da Samraj and the Way of the …
Frequently Asked Questions About Adidam
Answers to questions that have been asked about Avatar Adi Da Samraj and Adidam. the worldwide gathering of His devotees.