Adi Da - Wikipedia
Adi Da Samraj (born Franklin Albert Jones; November 3, 1939 – November 27, 2008) [1] was an American-born spiritual teacher, writer and artist. [3] He was the founder of a new religious movement known as Adidam.
Avatar Adi Da and His Reality-Way
Avatar Adi Da's Divine State can be felt through His written and spoken Teaching. He can be felt through photographs and recordings, through His Art and the Sanctuaries that He has empowered, and in any moment that He is truly remembered.
Adi Da Samraj—spiritual realizer, teacher, author, artist, and world ...
This website celebrates Adi Da Samraj—unique spiritual realizer, teacher, author, artist, and world-friend. Adi Da Samraj devoted His life to the realization and communication of Truth—what He called the “Bright”, Prior Unity, or the Indivisible Reality in which we all appear.
Adi Da and Adidam
Hundreds of extraordinary firsthand accounts from devotees, for those who want to learn more about Adi Da and the Way of Adidam, which Realizes God and Perfect Happiness. Also: what is happening in Adidam worldwide - this site is the most current and …
An Introduction to Avatar Adi Da Samraj
Avatar Adi Da's entire human lifetime was a unique demonstration of His Eternal Form — the State He calls the "Bright", the Conscious Light that is Reality Itself. From His birth on November 3, 1939 on Long Island in New York, to His passing from the body on November 27, 2008, at the Island of Naitauba, Fiji, His Life is the story of the ...
Adi Da and Adidam: A Brief Biography of Adi Da
The life of Adi Da — the Divine born in our own time — answers this question. From His birth on November 3, 1939, to His passing from the body on November 27, 2008, His life is the story of the Intervention of the "Bright" — the Divine Person and State — in human time.
The Dawn Horse Press
Avatar Adi Da has produced a vast body of Wisdom-Literature that addresses literally every aspect of human, Spiritual, and Divine life. The Dawn Horse Press is dedicated to making this Teaching available to all.
The Adi Da Foundation | The Adi Da Foundation
The Adi Da Foundation makes the Reality-Communication and World-Blessing of Avatar Adi Da Samraj known and available to all; it includes the Adi Da Institute, Da Peace, Da Plastique, and Da Orpheum.
Adidam philosophy, spiritual practice, Avatar Adi Da - Britannica
Adidam, a small religious movement grounded in the Hindu tradition. Founded in 1972 in California by Franklin Jones (born 1939), who changed his name to Adi Da (Sanskrit: “One Who Gives from the Divine Source”) in 1994, it has undergone a number of name changes and considerable internal turmoil.
Home - Adidam Chicago
Founded in 1997 by devotees of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, The Adidam Midwest Center is a public contact point for the many Spiritual Gifts that Adi Da Samraj has given to the world. These include His Revelatory Teaching Books, recorded Talks, videos of Adi Da silently Blessing all, His Literary and Artistic Works, and the sacred cooperative culture ...