Adderall XR - Bluelight.org
Oct 13, 2006 · But you're not destroying the time release by crushing it, adderall xr uses a ion resin release system which releases in the presense of strong acids like HCl in the stomach. It's possible that if you crushed some and had it sit in an acid overnite (stronger the better but I used lime juice) the time release would be defeated.
Best way to beat Adderall xr time release | Bluelight.org
Feb 2, 2014 · Don't to too much, and remember always be safe. This is simply how to turn your Adderall XR capsule into an IR formulation. if you'd like, you can even put the now finely ground-up powder carefully back into the capsule and take it. It will be like taking an Adderall IR in capsule form, and the capsule has nothing to do with time-release.
most efficient way to take adderall xr? | Bluelight.org
Feb 20, 2009 · adderall ir is much better but unfortunately swims old dude for buying ir is done selling them. swims somehow always impressed with how long adderall xr lasts but the highs not half as intense or enjoyable so he'd happily settle for a shorter lasting high if it meant more intense euphoria. swim works 8 hours shifts (store closes at midnight ...
Stimulants Adderall Xr... recreational dosage and effects.
Mar 3, 2011 · I was started on adderal XR 20mg and the next doctors visit I had I had them prescribe me 40mg IRs instead. Heres a tip switch from the expensive adderal XRs to the generic Aderal IRs. When I swiched to two instant release 15 mg adderal a day instead of one 30 mg extended release I noticed the onset and strength of the medication really came out.
Adderall - Bluelight.org
Jul 9, 2015 · 4) Open the Adderall XR or Dexedrine Spansule capsule and carefully pour the beads into/onto the crease in the paper, making sure none of them roll off the paper. 5) Fold the paper in half again, this time covering all of the Adderall XR or Dexedrine Spansule beads. 6) Seal off the corners on the edges of the paper with SWIY's finger.
Stimulants - Chewing Adderall XR | Bluelight.org
Sep 22, 2010 · 20mg XR beads weigh 160mg or so(so still lots of filler but they seem to work a bit better sublingually than IRs). And it tastes delicious Eagleman and doesn't keep me up all night if I dose at noon, unlike your super tasty meth.
what is the best technique to render Adderall XR into IR?
Jul 12, 2010 · These are brand name Adderall XR 30's. I already have crushed and snorted these but still even when powdered, the delayed release system is somehow still intact. According to the manufacturer, the Xtended Release system works like this: There are 2 kinds of beads in the capsule. Half of the beads are IR, half are XR.
Stimulants - Adderall Xr Dose. | Bluelight.org
Apr 24, 2008 · Snorting Adderall is some nasty shit and really fucks with your sinus's without any great advantages to oral. Oral has a very quick onset and a long duration. I don't know if this holds true for everyone but I feel like I can even get slight rushes and such with oral dosing during the first couple of hours if I dose high.
Stimulants Dexedrine/Adderall XR Plugging - bluelight.org
Mar 23, 2012 · well i'm gonna try using the undissolved particles that i mentioned earlier in a cooker, tomorrow morning, and if not, ill just take it orally. this was an upsetting experience, especially since i pretty much wasted my money on these. in the future, ill just get some fucking adderall IR tabs, theyre not difficult to get, the only reason i bought these capsules is because …
plugging adderal - Bluelight.org
Jan 18, 2009 · Now my personal experience is with adderall XR but it would be the same with adderall IR. But for the XR, I place desired amount of adderall* in glass with HOT** water 1ml/10mg. Let sit for 30sec. Tilt glass and suck up liquid only not any beads at bottom***. Lube up and push it all the way in. Then just lay on your side for 20-30min Enjoy.