adb shell returns "error: closed".... Can't fix it
Mar 1, 2013 · Adb gives me a missing /system/bin/sh message when I try it from recovery mode and the "error: closed" message if I do it from a normal boot. Weird. I can even share the sd card and copy files to it from the PC.
Rooting Issues (adb shell error: closed). Help! | Android Central
May 17, 2011 · I have killed the adb server, and started it back up again. I restarted both my phone and my computer. Still getting the "error:closed" return after 'adb shell' command. Is there anything else I can try? I have the VM670 Optimus V, and Virgin Mobile has refused to release ANY Android Updates. So I need to root my phone....
How to access your ADB shell. - Android Central
Sep 7, 2010 · Step 3: Connecting to and testing the ADB shell connection. On your epic 4g navigate to: settings>applications>developement and select usb debugging as this allows for the shell to interface with your phone. Plug in your epic with the usb cable provided with your phone and wait for drivers to load.
SU - Permission Denied in Shell after Rooted | Android Central
Dec 14, 2011 · Then issue the "su" command in an ADB shell and allow the Superuser prompt. G. Groweed Member. Dec 12 ...
[FIX] ADB method to break factory reset bootloop by wiping /mtd8
Feb 19, 2011 · adb shell (type in su right after hitting the enter key if you only get a $ after typing in adb shell and still getting a $) What you need to see is a #. If you can't get it to show a #, maybe we can find a better way to unbrick it.
I'm trying to Enable more stats on Gsam but in ADB it won't let me …
May 22, 2017 · C:\Users\jenns>pm grant adb shell grant com.gsamlabs.bbm.android.permission.BATTERY_STATS 'pm' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. C:\Users\jenns>adb shell cmd package Package manager (package) commands: help Print this help text.
Accidentally denied ADB Shell in SuperUser | Android Central
Jul 17, 2014 · Right after I rooted my phone, I was constantly getting the "shell allowed su permissions" notification and it was a nuisance. I thought a quick fix would be to deny the shell superuser permissions. I was unaware of what I was denying, and am now unable to allow new apps su permissions. I...
How to flash roms without phone storage/sd card partion
Aug 7, 2013 · adb shell mount data 5.) Wait for a few seconds to see if you get the prompt back and then press Ctrl+C. Do it even if you don’t get the prompt back after a few seconds. 6.) Now enter the following command, replacing C:\ROM.zip with the path and filename of the ROM that you are using: adb push C:\ROM.zip /data/ 7.)
Disabling pop up notifications | Android Central
Aug 27, 2022 · That, and it's best to figure out if your PC is communicating with your phone before you start entering ADB commands. Once you have everything set up, you can enter this command: adb shell settings put global_heads_up_notifications_enabled 0 and hit enter. Things to note: The underscores are required. Typos cause the command to fail
PoshADB - PowerShell ADB & Fastboot GUI Tool for Windows!
Apr 25, 2013 · I have been diving further and further into PowerShell, so I challenged myself to create an Android Developers Bridge (ADB) and Fastboot Tool built on PowerShell. It's simple, but easy to use. Simply extract and run the PoshADB.exe Requires: PowerShell (included with Windows 7 and newer)...