About - Aha!NOW
Aha!NOW is best described as the blog to find solutions and remove the barriers of problems in life with better insight and understanding at this present moment. And, also act as a reason for introspection and self-assessment to live life better and experience happiness every moment of …
Homepage - Aha!NOW
Use preventative measures like bio-metric access, electronic surveillance and lighting in…
20 Inspiring Women Bloggers of Aha!NOW
Mar 7, 2014 · Many inspiring women bloggers contribute at the Aha!NOW blog. Meet some of these wonderful inspiring ladies who never fail to inspire us with their wisdom.
Family Time: Why Spending Time with Family is Important
Oct 2, 2017 · Children grow up and are gone before you realize it, so don’t waste the time you have now, and spend it with your family. Remember, that strong families are able to withstand setbacks and crisis with a positive attitude, shared values, …
The Aha!NOW Chat With Harsh Agrawal [Interview]
May 30, 2014 · Q1: Welcome to Aha!NOW, Harsh. You surely don’t need any introduction to my Indian visitors, but since my blog audience is mostly International, I’d request you to introduce yourself to my blog community.
Blog - Aha!NOW
The Aha!NOW blog caters to your personal, social, and professional needs. This is your place to seek answers and solutions and a daily dose of inspiration.
Guest Post Guidelines - Aha!NOW
Oct 30, 2015 · We may sound a bit strict, but these are exactly the rules we follow when we write blog posts on Aha!NOW. And believe us, it will really turn out to be beneficial for you. Note: Your submission of the post pitches or article is not a guarantee of it getting approved and published on Aha!NOW. We shall let you know if the post can be published or ...
How to Write a Book And Get it Published: A Beginner’s Guide
Oct 10, 2014 · Welcome to Aha!NOW as one of the lucky guest bloggers! You won the guest post as a giveaway held recently, but let me tell you, I’m the lucky one in fact to have this post on my blog. 🙂 This is a splendid post and truly a great guide on how to write a book and get it published with such fine details.
Why You Should be Respecting the Elderly - Aha!NOW
May 14, 2013 · But now that they are in the golden years of their lives, isn’t it time that their children and society gives back to them a little of what all they did for us? How can you do that, you might ask? Well, begin by just respecting the elderly for starters!
Write A Guest Blog Post For Us: Free Guest Blogging Opportunity
Aha!NOW is an award winning personal development and popular multi-niche life blog. When you guest post on Aha!NOW, you get: Authority; Exposure; Recognition; And there is more – you make new contacts, relationships, and get traffic to your blog if you are a blogger. Guest posts on Aha!NOW are read by visitors from over 160 countries and are ...