ABCC11 - Wikipedia
ATP-binding cassette transporter sub-family C member 11, also MRP8 (Multidrug Resistance-Related Protein 8), is a membrane transporter that exports certain molecules from inside a cell. It is a protein that in humans is encoded by gene ABCC11. [3][4][5]
2分钟搞懂“油耳”与“狐臭”的关系 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
因为油耳和狐臭都是由16号染色体上的 abcc11基因 一起控制的,它负责调控 大汗腺 的分泌能力和数量。
ABCC11 Gene - GeneCards | MRP8 Protein | MRP8 Antibody
Dec 24, 2024 · ABCC11 (ATP Binding Cassette Subfamily C Member 11) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with ABCC11 include Apocrine Gland Secretion, Variation In and Lateral Sinus Thrombosis. Among its related pathways are Autodegradation of the E3 ubiquitin ligase COP1 and Transport of inorganic cations/anions and amino acids/oligopeptides.
ABCC11 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
Mar 3, 2023 · ABCC11 (ATP结合盒转运体C亚家族11号成员)又叫MRP8(多药物抗性-相关8号蛋白),是从细胞内部运出一些分子的 载体蛋白。 在人类是由ABCC11基因编码的蛋白。 [1][2] 这个基因决定人类 耳垢 的类型(干或湿)和腋下 体味 (过度顶浆分泌造成的汗味)。 ^ Tammur J, Prades C, Arnould I, Rzhetsky A, Hutchinson A, Adachi M, Schuetz JD, Swoboda KJ, Ptácek LJ, Rosier M, Dean M, Allikmets R.
ABCC11 Gene: Ear wax and no body odor - Genetic Lifehacks
Jul 1, 2021 · What does the ABCC11 gene do? The ABCC11 gene (ATP-binding cassette transporter, sub-family C member 11) encodes a protein involved in transporting molecules across cellular membranes. Illustration of transport of the ABCC11 interaction with …
A SNP in the ABCC11 gene is the determinant of human earwax …
Jan 29, 2006 · Here we show that a SNP, 538G → A (rs17822931), in the ABCC11 gene is responsible for determination of earwax type. The AA genotype corresponds to dry earwax, and GA and GG to wet type. A 27-bp...
ABCC11 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 11 [ (human)]
Feb 8, 2025 · Our results confirmed the association between NAF yield and earwax phenotype through ABCC11 genotype. Combined with the recency of last birth, ABCC11 genotype should be considered in the design of studies utilizing NAF as a biosample. Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate is a new substrate of ABCC11.
A missense variant of the ABCC11 gene is associated with Axillary ...
May 9, 2017 · ABCC11, also known as multidrug resistance associated protein 8 (MRP8), is a member of the human ABC transporter gene family. It is expressed in apocrine glands, and may have a key function...
ATP 结合盒亚家族 C 成员 11(ABCC11)基因 | MCE
ABC 基因分为七个不同的亚家族 (ABC1、MDR/TAP、MRP、ALD、OABP、GCN20、White) 。 这种 ABC 全转运蛋白是参与多重耐药性的 MRP 亚家族的成员。 该基因的产物参与涉及胆汁酸、结合类固醇和环核苷酸的生理过程。 此外,该基因中的一个 SNP 负责确定人耳垢的类型。 该基因和家族成员 ABCC12 被确定是通过复制衍生的,并且都定位于染色体 16q12.1。 已针对该基因描述了多个选择性剪接的转录物变体。 [RefSeq 提供,2008 年 7 月]
ABCC11基因的遗传变异及其生物学意义 - 八方基因
Jan 8, 2025 · abcc11基因概述. abcc11基因,也被称为mrp8,是atp结合盒(abc)转运蛋白家族的一员。这个家族的成员通常负责将各种分子跨膜运输,包括药物、毒素和代谢产物。abcc11基因位于16号染色体q12.1区域,编码的蛋白质在多种生理过程中起关键作用。 abcc11基因的多态性