My oximeter says 96% BUT... - COPD Foundation
Dec 13, 2014 · I was putting up some Christmas lights and started to get SOB. I sat down and took a reading on my oximeter. It said my SpO2 was 96% but I was …
What is a safe range for O2 saturation when exercising? - COPD …
Sep 29, 2018 · cannulas and tanks loose o2? Check-In: Staying Healthy and Enjoying Our Hobbies; Check-in: Let’s get moving! Common misconceptions about exercising with COPD. exercise and oximetry (pulse-ox)? What Is The Big Deal About Bones? Check-in: Is your asthma keeping you on the sidelines?
Oxygen levels and lung function - COPD Foundation
Jun 27, 2015 · How do Oxygen levels and my lung function work. My lung function is 38%, but my oxygen levels stay on the 90's. With any exertion my body becomes …
Shortness of breath even when my oxygen level is at 94/95
Mar 15, 2023 · ¿Quieres más información? Llame al 866.731.COPD (2673) y presione 9 para hablar en español con un paciente o cuidador.
What are the effects of chronically low O2 sat? - COPD Foundation
Jan 22, 2019 · What Does It Mean If Both CO2 Levels and O2 Levels are low? Co2 buildup; What are the breathing techniques for COPD - Part II - and do they really work? What are the breathing techniques for COPD, and do they really work? When O2 < 88% how long before organ damage occurs? How to get a co2 level down? What should doctor be doing?
SOB and O2 Saturation - COPD Foundation
Jan 30, 2018 · SOB and O2 Saturation Anonymous 7 years ago. Add an Answer. Answers. Answer View More Anonymous: Unfriend ...
What does it mean if your oximeter reading is 100 and you have ...
Medical Advice. It is not our intention to serve as a substitute for medical advice and any content posted should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Intermittent drops in oxygen saturation to mid 80's - COPD …
Oct 15, 2019 · ¿Quieres más información? Llame al 866.731.COPD (2673) y presione 9 para hablar en español con un paciente o cuidador.
Is oxygen level of 94 safe for someone with emphysema? - COPD …
Dec 23, 2021 · Is oxygen saturation level of 94 safe for someone with emphysema? We used the oximeter to measure the oxygen level. Just recently found out my …
Safe to Travel? - COPD Foundation
If the patient has resting saturations of less than 92% they require supplemental oxygen in-flight. If a patient’s 6-minute walk test results drop to an O2 Sat (oxygen saturation) in the low 80% range, that person will require supplemental oxygen. Ultimately, it is up to your pulmonologist to determine if it is safe for you to fly.