94 Q45 stalls - Car Forums and Automotive Chat - Automotive …
May 11, 2007 · My 94 Q45 has developed a stalling problem at idle. When cold, it idles fine. When it warms up, it will stall when first started. When the engine is restarted, it tries to stall but recovers with an unstable idle for about 15 seconds and then it is stable. Engine runs beautifully otherwise. Any thoughts for first step troubleshooting?
Nissan Cima | Nissan President | Infiniti Q45 - Car Forums and ...
1999 Q45; 95 Q45 8 cylider. AC ok but no heat. 98 Q45 suspension noise; 94 Q45 sun visor help; Vx45DE questions; 22's on Q45?? Flasher location in a 98 Q45; Rear speaker amp Needed; Left rear speaker not working. please i need help replaceing my window motor; need help with drivers window motor on my 94 q45; 92 Q45 need transmission; Air Bag ...
94 Q45, Staling and Electric Problems - Car Forums and …
Oct 2, 2009 · I just got a 94 Q45, with 90K miles on it. The car has a stalling problem, when the engine is cold it does not stall, when the engine gets warm it starts stalling from 1-3K RMP. But the thing is it doesent always stall when its warm, sometimes it runs perfect, than few blocks down it will start stalling again and im having a hard time friguring ...
94 TCS code 19 - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
Feb 28, 2007 · My 94 Q45 stalls when accelerating past 60 MPH or driving up hills. It almost feels like the fuel is cut off. I took it to the dealer and after 4 hrs @ $90 they could not find what is wrong. I di not authorize anymore time to waste.
94 Q45 CD changer - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
94 Q45 CD changer. Steburd. 08-30-2007, 11:53 AM. My CD changer died, the 94 changer were the Sony 10 Disc ...
91 & 94 Q45 parts (NJ) - Page 91 - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
91 & 94 Q45 parts (NJ) Nissan Cima | Nissan President | Infiniti Q45 Car Forums Page 91 91 & 94 Q45 parts (NJ) - Page 91 - Car Forums and Automotive Chat Our Community is 940,000 Strong.
Infiniti Q45 vs. Lexus LS430 - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
Jun 3, 2001 · The Q45 from day one tried to be different. It's a shame that it didn't get the respect and prestige that it truly deserves. I have always liked the Q45. The '94-'96 model with the chrome grill added such an elegant touch. As for the new Q, I only have a problem with the front styling, but that can be easily fixed.
Wanted: '94 Q45 tan driver side sun visor - Car Forums and …
Wanted: '94 Q45 tan driver side sun visor. evoldog. 10-30-2003, 11:34 PM.
94 Q45 stalls - Page 94 - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
94 Q45 stalls Nissan Cima | Nissan President | Infiniti Q45 Car Forums Page 94 Our Community is 940,000 ...
Lights not blinking with alarm 94 Q45 - Car Forums and …
Dec 18, 2004 · I have 94 Q45 and lately when the alarm is set the parking lights don't blink twice as they used to. The alarm and door lucks do work but the lights don't blink. Can you guys help me out with the problem? Also, the rear driver door does not lock/unluck and window doesn't work. If does sometimes but not most of the time.