What Does CLG Mean in Construction? - AlSyed Construction …
Mar 18, 2024 · CLG is an abbreviation used to denote the ceiling in architectural drawings and construction plans. It is a shorthand notation that helps to identify the height or level at which the ceiling is to be constructed or the type of ceiling finish required.
CLG Construction Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
Explore abbreviations related to CLG, organized by common usage and topics: What's Next? Explore Further… Discover Construction Abbreviations: Dive deeper into a comprehensive list of top-voted Construction Acronyms and Abbreviations.
What does CLG mean on floor plans? - FindAnyAnswer.com
azcats (Structural) 21 Apr 10 11:05.While on the subject of acronyms, what does "D.O." or "d.o." stand for?The context is usually on a drawing where one member is specified and then "D.O." in the rest where you would expect them to be the same size. I've seen 'ditto' as an answer, but that seems rather unprofessional
Framing for 9' clg next to room with 8' clg - DoItYourself.com
Jun 13, 2010 · Framing, Flooring and Sub-Flooring - Framing for 9' clg next to room with 8' clg - We are going to extend our family room and add a play room onto the house and I would like it to have the play room have a 9' ceiling.
From Our Design Team: How to Read a Set of Floor Plans - Kurk …
Feb 15, 2023 · CLG stands for ceiling height, noted for either the full room or the base plate (edge of room) if the ceiling is vaulted or has a tray application.
9' clg. bedroom 3 13'x11' 9' clg. closet closet bath 9' clg. linen bath 9' sloped walk-in clg. closet bedroom 4 13'x11' 9' clg. open to below 20'4" clg. loft 16'x14' 9' clg. dn mech. closet attic access opt. fireplace gourmet kitchen 14'1"x12' 10' clg. ref. space pantry breakfast area 11'6"x10'2" 10' clg. covered lanai 10' clg. opt. door family ...
9' Ceilings Framing Question - DIY Home Improvement Forum
Jan 19, 2009 · Most framers don't actually cut their studs to length for 8', 9', and 10' walls. They buy pre-cut studs. A 9' pre-cut stud is 104-5/8", which combined with a total of 3 plates, produces a 9' wall. I would not count on EXACTLY 9'.
New home construction window height with 9ft ceilings
Jul 12, 2008 · We will have 9ft ceilings thru-out the home and am debating on what height to set the top of the windows. The plan shows the top of the window at 18" from the ceiling. My framer is suggesting 24". Most windows are 5ft tall which would leave 2 or 2.5ft from the bottom of the window to the floor.
What Does CLG Mean on a Floor Plan - Coohom
May 11, 2021 · In the realm of architecture and interior design, CLG stands for 'ceiling.' This notation indicates the height of the ceiling in a given space, which is a critical detail for anyone looking to understand the layout and feel of a room.
Header height and 9' walls - Fine Homebuilding
Feb 19, 2002 · What is the normal framing height to the bottom of the header from floor when framing 9′ walls. I was going to use 82″. The bedroom windows are 5′ tall which places the bottom of the window only 22″ up from floor which seems to low. 82" is standard r.o. height for doors and window header height.