Srpp preamp - diyAudio
Nov 21, 2021 · The gain of 6N3P is 24.6 dB in SRPP circuit. It is not possible to reduce it by changing the cathode resistors. The only possibility is to use a lower μ tube. The μ of 6N3P is 36. 6DJ8/ECC88 would give about the same gain.
6N3 SRPP + 6N5P Cathode Follower HPA Testing - diyAudio
Feb 26, 2012 · 2 troids in one 6N3P forms SRPP voltage amplificier. A 6N5P cathode follower is used as driving stage. It can drive headphones from 32 Ohm to 600 Ohm very well.
SRPP stereo low frequency amplifier on affordable tubes
A six-lamp, two-stage, low-frequency stereo amplifier built on low-cost and affordable 6N3P and 6P1P tubes. Output power is about 3.5W per channel. Load resistance 4-16Ω.
6N3 SRPP 推6P1 单端 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
Apr 18, 2015 · 可能是工作点问题,我曾经做过一个前级,6N3SRPP放大,6N1阴极输出,6N3屏极电流不小于3mA声音才好。 有道理啊,我今天把电流调到了6.5毫安,奶奶的个,Rk=1K Rk=510R 这两个都没法听,高音刺,低音一颤一颤的,声音开大就变调了,怎么实验都没啥效果,到时下管Rk=250R 上管Rk=510R 声音很有特色。 不过高压一下就下去了,电流不知道被啥地方给吃掉了,后来没办法,Rk取250R,现在没问题了,声音中规中矩。 还行。 随便玩玩,翻来 …
New GU50 SE: SRRP or Cascode for driver? - diyAudio
Jun 13, 2010 · I'm looking at a new SE design (a Sweet Peach rebuild) with the GU50 output tube in pentode mode at 430V, with a 6N6p driver tube at B2+ = 400V and a 6N3p input tube at B3+ = 350V. The concept is feedback only around driver+output to present a low impedance to the OPT.
6N3 / 5670 / 2C51 SRPP Preamp Board – Ebay
Sep 29, 2010 · Recently I decided I wanted to try something without a cathode follower, so this 6N3 SRPP caught my eye. The PCB, fully built with a set of tubes, arrived within a week of order from Hong Kong. PCD quality is quite nice, soldering is a bit skimpy.
File: C:\AnalogMetric\..\6N3 SRPP.SchDoc Drawn By: 1 + 2 AC 3 AC 4 - KBP307 1500uF/16 C3 1.5K R1 1.5K R2 270K R5 150uF/450V C1 150uF/450V C2 OUTPUT GROUND INPUT L7806CV U1 470 R9 470 R8 100K R7 1uF/400V C6 1uF/400V C5 51K R10 51K R6 3300uF/10V C4 1K R3 D1 3 4 1 7 5 V3 6Z4 1 4 3 2 9 V1A 6N3 6 7 8 V1B 6N3 …
SRPP stereo low frequency amplifier on affordable tubes
A six-lamp, two-stage, low-frequency stereo amplifier built on low-cost and affordable 6N3P and 6P1P tubes. Output power is about 3.5W per channel. Load resistance 4-16Ω. Separate, per channel volume control. Current consumption: Anode 300V, not more than 80mA. Heater 6.3V, not more than 2.8A. The board size: 125 x 80 mm.
Pre-amp based on 6N3 (5670/2C51, Soviet 6N3P)), any opinion?
Nov 14, 2012 · Some of the kits available are advertised as SRPP, and some are buffers. I see lots of DACs, preamps, HP-amps, int.-amps from China with 6N3P's for sale online. Our new MP-D1 DAC uses 6N3 tubes for the analog output section. 6N3/5670 is good sounding tube. A good alternative to 6922, 6SN7 and 12au7 medium mu tubes.
6N3,SRPP推6P1的终极版本。(完成待测试) - 矿石收音机
Dec 21, 2012 · 一个月前吧,做了一台6N3SRPP推6P1的功放。 问坛上高手,说是六灯牛勉强可以用于两声道的6P1三级管接法。 硬是想标准接法的。 于是随便搭了个电路。 结果即使加了灯丝牛,也是电流不够,主要是在高压部分的,开机不到半小时线包已经发烫。 听两张CD。 已经可以闻到绝缘漆的味道了,况且坛友说的6N3离变压器太近有干扰在那次看到了问题,只是觉得这个问题是可以克服的。 还有就是没有使用电子管整流。 输出的高压一开机就串到400V,随后6P1 …