Bug Amps 3W push-pull 6E5P amp - diyAudio
Feb 20, 2024 · The amp employs a pair of 6E5P in a class A PP design with input transformers. The input txs are vintage JBLs with a number of taps that Doug has used to include switchable gain. For an amp with DC heaters, it's very quiet.
Spud Amplifier with 6E5P Tube - diyAudio
Jun 18, 2014 · I just tried a very simple Amp with the 6E5P tube. I have very efficient speakers, so I can life with around 1,2 Watts. But the sound of this amp is so good, you would not believe. Every detail is very clean and precious. Even the bass have a …
纸上谈兵的SRPP电路分析 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
Jun 28, 2012 · SRPP电路乍一看是个很神奇的东西,他的中文名字分流调整式推挽放大器也很唬人。 之前我一直没弄懂它的具体工作原理,但致知在格物么,我就格了一晚上SRPP电路,总算是格出些道理了。 SRPP电路如图,用两个三级管搭建而成。 我们假设电路已经调整好工作点,处于直流平衡状态,现在我们来分析交流的情况。 在交流情况下,上面那个三极管及它的周边电路可看作一个电阻,这样,整个电路就和普通的三极管放大电阻一样处理了。 首先,我们用图解法来 …
HIFIDIY论坛-SRPP解构 - Powered by Discuz!
Jan 24, 2012 · 两种观点之一 当今,普遍(新)的观点是:SRPP由一个共阴放大器和一个作为它的恒流源负载的阴随器组成(高! 同时提供了高、低两种阻抗)。 因为恒流源的全部特征是高阻抗,五极管看起来是作为上面这个有源负载的最佳选择。 又,分开上下两管并取得直流偏置的那个电阻应该有最大的交流阻抗,以求提高增益及降低输出阻抗。 最后,下管提供电压增益并驱动上管,但并不能对负载提供大的输出电流。 毋庸争论,共阴放大器由恒流源做负载时,可获得最 …
【SRPP电路】 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛 - Powered …
Nov 10, 2014 · SRPP电路的英文全称是:Shunt Regulaten Push-Pull (并联调整推挽),或有称: (分流调整式推挽放大器),也有称: (串联调整推挽),还有·#¥%……XXXX 等等。 且不管它是什么名称,仅“推挽”两字就特别,至少是与常见的前置电压放大电路所不同。 下面是借助于LTspice所作的测试分析,先贴上一张6DJ8的SRPP电路原理图 (见图1)。 我们来测试下这个电路的动态情况;当没有负载、即断开输出电容、让负载阻抗为无穷大的状态时,上下管电流相等。 不管上管的 …
My 6E5P amps (SPUD) - diyAudio
Jan 20, 2017 · I found the difference between R+C and LED to be very subtle and would have been happy with either - the LED being slightly cleaner sounding, but only slightly. When using 6E5P as power tube there's plenty of current to keep the LED at a point of low impedance so it should be fine to use a single one ?
GM70 Triode Stereo Oddwatt SRPP / SIPP - DIY AUDIO PROJECTS
Hi, Using a SS load on a SRPP is possible, but I suggest that the 317 is not the one to use. The maximum voltage on it is 37 for the standard one and 57 for the HV version. I would try an IXCP 10M45S instead. It can handle 450 volts and 2-100 ma depending on …
GM70 Triode Stereo Oddwatt SRPP / SIPP - DIY AUDIO PROJECTS
5 days ago · I'll model the 6E5P portion of the SE GM70 circuit and see how it behaves as a pentode. The only issue I haven't figured out is what to do if the AC voltage on the cathodes in the SIPP stage exceeds 55 volts (or more realistically 50 volts).
GM70 Triode Stereo Oddwatt SRPP / SIPP - DIY AUDIO PROJECTS
Mar 1, 2025 · With the B+ at 1200 volts and the bias at 100 mA, the 6E5P in an SRPP configuration will only push the GM70 tubes to 56% of their power capability, so it's time to find a new driver tube. Looking for driver tube suggestions again.
Spud Amplifier with 6E5P Tube | Page 2 | diyAudio
Jun 18, 2014 · Here is a simple mod for a stereo psu. Voltage drop for 47R resistors would be only 1.5V. You can get Cree Sic diodes cheap at digikey or mouser.