Schematics of direct-coupled 300B Push-Pull? | Page 2 - diyAudio
Aug 20, 2017 · The advantage of this over single supply or stacked supply is that if the 6AN8 input tubes were pulled there's no harm to the 300Bs because it would have -266V on their grids to bias them into cut off and no danger of red-plating at all.
Title: 6AN8 6AN8A 5AN8 Created Date: 2/23/2002 9:39:49 PM
Extended Audition: The BIG 300B Tube and Amp Report - Blogger
May 7, 2001 · This Japanese kit is one of my favorites. 1x 6AN8 (don't tell that to Joe Rosen) and 1x 300B per channel. Sylvania 6AN8 used. Stock except for Black Cat couplings caps. Meter and 2 pots bias the 2 tubes individually. Fine, warm sound, no doubt partly attributable to some NFB (no-no in some people's book, but not mine). Not as powerful, but nice.
Alternatives to 6AN8 for Dynaco Mark III
Sep 15, 2019 · There are a couple of listings on that auction site for tube adapters to allow the use of 6GH8A in place of the 6AN8. Both tubes are listed as medium mu triode / sharp cutoff pentode. I'm currently using 6GH8A tubes to replace the 7199s in …
6AN8, Tube 6AN8; Röhre 6AN8 ID3727, Triode-Pentode
Tube 6AN8 or Röhre 6AN8 ID3727, Triode-Pentode, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and Universal shown. Radio tubes are valves.
6AN8=ECC82 - Vinyl Engine
Nov 8, 2009 · I noticed that the driver valves are clearly marked as 6AN8 on the chassis. The markings on the valves fitted on these positions are erased, but I can make out the no. 82 on one of them, leading me to believe that these are ECC82 valves.
6AN8 tube question - diyAudio
Nov 2, 2005 · As explained above, the 6AN8 has a unique pinout and there is no direct substitute (except for the 6AN8A). If you are building the amp from scratch, I would suggest wiring the socket up to accept the tubes that are pin compatible with the 6U8.
Building a tube amp | Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo Discussion …
Feb 20, 2008 · Hi, IMHO the set amps class A are the best amps but the 6V6 is a great amp project, 6V6 is "the poor man" 300b, according to the Japanese diyers, Good luck in your project
6AN8 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
Type 6AN8 is a triode-pentode of American origin first introduced during 1954. In Wireless World December, 1954 are details of three new valves for American colour television. The details refer to their use in Model CT-100.
Sylvania 6AN8 Tube - Reverb
The Sylvania 6AN8's are perfect match for your old amps! These tubes test NOS. Tested on: Maxi-Matcher 2 and/or Hickok 600A. Tube Type: 6AN8. Manufacturer: Sylvania. Manufactured in the USA. Tests as NOS. Product photos are stock examples of what you will receive. The construction of the getter and the logo may differ; the logo may be wiped off ...