6.5-284 With R-26 - Shooters' Forum
Feb 11, 2018 · captn t has steered you in the right direction. I would start load development around 51.5 gr of RL-26 behind a 130 or a 140 and expect to find joy around 54 - 55 gr or so with the 140s, perhaps a bit more with the 130s.
6.5-284 Ramshot Grand - Shooters' Forum
Feb 23, 2025 · Has anybody been using Ramshot Grand with the 6.5-284. Any opinions Thank you gdc
Best bullets and powder for 6.5 284 - Shooters' Forum
Sep 15, 2010 · Hello everyone: Any thoughts one best brands of bullets and powders for 6.5 284. I have loaded 50 rounds of lapua cases with 142mk sierra bullets and used Hodgdon h4831sc. Since then I have talked with a few shooters and they said that loads weren't the best. That being said they failed to...
6.5 x 284 and H4831SC - Shooters' Forum
Nov 15, 2021 · I took the new 6.5 x 284 / 7.5 twist / 26 inch barrel to the range to do first time 3 round group developments from 48 to 49.5 grains of H4831SC with the ELD X 143 grain bullet and Fed210M. Velocity is pretty low,,,2750 with 49.5 grains of powder. Book says max is 49 grains while another says...
140 A-MAX in a 6.5-284 - Shooters' Forum
Jul 28, 2007 · There isn't any reason that I know of not to try the Hornadys although I don't use them. Reason is the 139 Scenars shoot for me well enough I'm not going to use any barrel life chasing a new load.
H1000 in 6.5X284 - Shooters' Forum
May 6, 2015 · Anyone have any experience with H1000 in the 6.5X284 Match rifle. (30" barrel) Been shooting this case for a long long time but never have used H1000. Having issues with high ES and SD's. Over 15fps ES. and SD's over 10fps. Russ T
6.5x284 in a short action? - Shooters' Forum
Oct 5, 2016 · Just finished up a 6.5-284 on a long action. My OAL with 140 Berger Hybrids is 3.137". 28" Bartlein Medium Palma contour.
6.5-284 powders - Shooters' Forum
Jan 4, 2009 · I'm still kind of new to the 6.5-284. I didn't even own one at thanksgiving, now I have 2. One is a custom 700 BDL that I had at the smiths, all work was done, but he just couldn't get the barrel I wanted.
6.5 Creedmoor vs 6.5 284 - Shooters' Forum
Mar 24, 2022 · I shot 153.5 bergers out of my 6.5 x284 at 2.90 COAL before I throated it out, it was not optimal for sure, I was well below the neck shoulder junction with the pressure ring on the bullet.
Primers for 6.5-284 - Shooters' Forum
Jul 30, 2011 · I have been using Fed210s for my 6.5-284 lately, but I don't want to count out other primers as well. I have some CCI BR2s also. Powders availiable are H4831SC and H4350. Got about a 4" group at 550yds today with H4831SC (49.5grs) 140gr JKL bullets and Fed210 primers, brass is Lapua. Was pretty...