6.2 Key hierarchy, key derivation, and distribution scheme
A successful run of 5G AKA or EAP AKA’ results in a new K AMF that is stored in the UE and the AMF with a new partial, non-current security context. NAS keys (i.e. K NASint and K NASenc ) and AS keys (i.e. K gNB , K RRCenc , K RRCint , K UPenc , K UPint ) are derived from K AMF using the KDFs specified in Annex A.
5GS Security keys
All key derivations (including input parameter encoding) for 5GC shall be performed using the key derivation function (KDF) Input string = FC || P0 || L0 || P1 || L1 || P2 || L2 || P3 || L3 || ... || Pn || Ln
A.1 KDF interface and input parameter construction
All key derivations for 5G ProSe shall be performed using the Key Derivation Function (KDF) specified in clause B.2.2 of TS 33.220 [8]. This clause specifies how to construct the input string, S, and the input key, KEY, for each distinct use of the KDF.
Authentication and Key Management for Applications (AKMA) in 5G …
In 5G, a new security network function, Authentication Server Function (AUSF) has been introduced in the 5G core (5GC) to manage the UE authentication using the SUCI or the SUPI and to manage the root session key K AUSF.
NR 5G 密钥与安全详解_5gs encryption algorithm 5g-ea0-CSDN博客
附件a中规定的kdf应用于使用当前5g nas安全上下文的k amf 的k gnb 推导。 如K gNB 所述,RRC保护密钥和UP保护密钥由UE和gNB导出。 如果建立无线承载的NAS过程包含主认证运行(可选),则新K AMF 的NAS上行链路和下行链路COUNT应设置为起始值(即零)。
RFC 9048: Improved Extensible Authentication Protocol ... - RFC …
If the AT_KDF_INPUT parameter contains the prefix "5G:", the AT_KDF parameter has the value 1, and this authentication is not a fast re-authentication, then the peer identity used in the key derivation MUST be as specified in Annex F.3 of [TS-3GPP.33.501] and …
shall have successfully registered to the 5G core, which results in K AUSF being stored at the AUSF and the UE after a successful 5G primary authentication. 4.2.2 AF AF is defined in TS 23.501 [3] with additional functions: - AF with the AKMA service enabling requests for K AF from the AAnF using A-KID.
Security consultancy and assessments for IT systems. SA3 is the working group tasked with security and privacy within the scope of 3GPP. How to deal with potentially different transport of NAS and EAP? How to add home control to EPS AKA? …
A.1 KDF interface and input parameter construction – TechSpec
All key derivations (including input parameter encoding) for 5GC shall be performed using the key derivation function (KDF) specified in Annex B.2.0 of TS 33.220 [28]. This clause specifies how to construct the input string, S, and the input key, KEY, for each distinct use of the KDF.
We provide the first comprehensive formal model of a protocol from the AKA family: 5G AKA. We also extract precise requirements from the 3GPP standards defining 5G and we identify missing security goals.
5G-AKA-FS: A 5G Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for …
Dec 27, 2023 · In this paper, we propose a 5G-AKA-Forward Secrecy (5G-AKA-FS) protocol that supports forward secrecy and unlinkability together to solve the limitations of the existing studies and maximize the efficiency of authentication in 5G networks.
RFC 5448 (EAP-AKA') was an improved version of EAP-AKA. This document is the most recent specification of EAP-AKA', including, for instance, details about and references related to operating EAP-AKA' in 5G networks.
Formalization and evaluation of EAP-AKA’ protocol for 5G network …
Dec 1, 2022 · The Fifth Generation Mobile Networks (5G) will support applications like the Internet of Things (IoT) and Vehicle to Everything (V2X), as well as user mobility, dense connectivity, and massive Machine Type Communication (mMTC).
Asymmetric Cryptography Among Different 5G Core Networks
Jun 16, 2022 · In 5G networks, packets transmitted from local UPF of a 5G network to another UPF in different destination 5G network is not encrypted. This conducts a risk of data leakage, particularly along the connection established between the two UPFs. To solve this problem,...
(PDF) An overview of cryptographic primitives for possible use in 5G ...
Dec 1, 2020 · This survey overviews the potential use of cryptographic primitives in the fifth-generation mobile communications system (aka 5G) and beyond.
KDF Key Distribution Function - Mpirical
KDF Key Distribution Function This is part of the LTE authentication and key distribution process. The 3GPP specifications define how keys and associated parameters are passed between entities.
An Enhanced Application Authentication and Key Management in 5G
Oct 1, 2023 · For these protocols, we designed a privacy-enhanced version of the 5G authentication and key management for applications (AKMA) service.
A.2 KAUSF derivation function – TechSpec - itecspec.com
This clause applies to 5G AKA only. When deriving a K AUSF from CK, IK and the serving network name when producing authentication vectors, and when the UE computes K AUSF during 5G AKA, the following parameters shall be used to form the input S to the KDF:
【5G】NAS安全密钥衍生算法详解 - CSDN博客
Aug 15, 2021 · 本文深入探讨5G网络接入安全(NAS)的密钥衍生流程,详细解析KDF函数及不同场景下的密钥生成,如KNASenc、KRRCenc等。同时,介绍了使用nettle库实现的相关函数,并提到了5G鉴权过程中的关键步骤,如5G AKA和EAP AKA'鉴权的kausf密钥衍生。
5G_ciphered_NAS_decipher_tool/README.md at master - GitHub
So I come up with this idea to write a python program to decipher the 5G NAS payload retrieved from pcap file, then write the plain NAS payload back into the pcap file. By that, we can browse and check the deciphered NAS details by wireshark very easily.