Archery Discipline - National 4-H Shooting Sports
The 4-H Archery Discipline covers the basics of archery. We give the beginning archer a broad, sound foundation for learning the sport and being able to enjoy it for a lifetime. As with all 4-H projects, the goal Positive Youth Developent.
National 4-H Shooting Sports | Skills for Life – Activity for Lifetime
Each year, 4-H teaches a shooting sport to about 500,000 boys and girls each year. Shooting sports can be gratifying for youngsters, especially those who aren’t athletes. The program provides a supportive environment in which young people can …
Archery Curriculum - National 4-H Shooting Sports
Items for Leader Manual Archery CoverArchery SpineTable of Contents DividersPrefaceModules 1-4 Together - Primers (print this or each separate)Module 1 - PrimerModule 2 - PrimerModule 3 - PrimerModule 4 - PrimerArchery Discipline Lesson PlanGlossary Supplemental Information Manual Assembly InstructionsAdaptive Archery ManualArchery First Shot FundamentalsArchery Level 1 Training OutlineArchery ...
NATIONAL 4-H SHOOTING SPORTS TRAINING MANUAL FOR 4-H SHOOTING SPORTS INSTRUCTORS Promoting Positive Youth Development through Comprehensive Education , Life-Long Recreation, and ... National 4-H Shooting Sports Committee Approved Curriculum. Archery. SHOOTING SPORTS . Title: PowerPoint Presentation …
YOUR STATE - National 4-H Shooting Sports
Want to get involved at a local level or want to know more of what is happening with 4-H in your county? Find your local Extension office. Below is Information and Contacts for your State 4-H Shooting Sports Program
Youth - National 4-H Shooting Sports
4-H members have opportunities to test their shooting, hunting, and sportsmanship skills in county, regional, state, and national competitions. In fact, they could ultimately set Olympic competition as their goal.
The lessons outlined in this section of the 4-H Shooting Sports Guide cover the basics of archery. They present the beginning archer with a broad, sound foundation for learning the discipline and enjoying archery over a lifetime. Many approaches have been used to teach archery. Some are effective; others interfere with learning.
INSTRUCTOR - National 4-H Shooting Sports
Civic Engagement, Healthy Living, and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathamatics (STEM) are requriements of every 4-H program. It is our duty to insure we teach these to our youth to help them reach their full potential.
Developing high standards of safety is one objective of the 4- H Shooting Sports Program. Using a bow stringer for bracing and unstringing recurve bows is an important safety practice.
NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS - National 4-H Shooting Sports
NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS WEBSITE June 22-27, 2025 June 21-26, 2026