2A70 - Wikipedia
The 100 mm gun-launcher 2A70 (GRAU designation: 2А70) is a model of low-pressure rifled cannons designed in the Soviet Union by the KBP Instrument Design Bureau. Integrated into Bakhcha-U and Sinitsa turret modules, the gun equips the BMD-4, BMP-3, and BTR-90M infantry fighting vehicles.
100mm 2A70 - Weaponsystems.net
Russian BMP-3 on parade in 2008. The 2A70 is a late Cold War era cannon of Soviet origin. The 2A70 was developed in the 1980's as main component of the 2K23 combat module for the new BMP-3 mechanized infantry combat vehicle.
BMD-4M Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Army Technology
Jul 13, 2016 · The launcher can fire either 3UOF17 or 3UOF19 rounds at a rate of ten rounds a minute. Its muzzle velocity ranges from 250m/s to 355m/s. The secondary armament of the vehicle is a 7.62mm PKT coaxial machine gun, which can fire Arkan Tandem 9M117M1 and Konkurs anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) systems.
3UOF19 - Army Guide
Army Guide - information about the main battle tanks, armoured vehicles and armament of the land forces and also the information concerning other army subjects - 3UOF19, Round, Ammunition
BMP-3M - Army Recognition
Jan 5, 2025 · The new 100-mm high-explosive fragmentation shell 3UOF19 features improved characteristics of fragmentation effect and better firing accuracy. The anti-tank guided missile 9M117M1 has a tandem warhead, which enhances armour-piercing impact and ensures piercing of explosive-reactive armour.
Tankograd: BMP-3 - Blogger
Oct 22, 2014 · 3UOF19-1 replaces the conventional point-detonating fuse of the 3UOF19 with a proximity fuse. The new 9E154 fuse is designed to detonate the shell at an altitude of around 3 meters above the ground, enabling it to defeat targets located behind cover or entrenched in foxholes or reinforced trenches.
Munition, projectile, 3UOF19-1 - Fenix Insight
The 3UOF19-1 (3УОФ19-1) is a Russian Federation-developed, 100 mm high explosive fragmentation (HE-frag) unitary (fixed) round. The 3UOF19-1 round comprises: the 3OF70 (3ОФ70) spin-stabilised HE-frag projectile; a proximity nose fuze; a cartridge case; and a propelling charge.
苏联/俄罗斯2A70火炮及弹药简介 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
3UOF19(3УОФ19)HEF 杀伤爆破弹. 2A70火炮单一弹种杀爆弹的全新型号,弹药型号为3UOF19(3УОФ19),仍然使用3V35(3В35)触发引信,弹头型号为3OF70(3ОФ70),采用薄壳设计,相对于3UOF17,炮口初速从250m/s提高到了355m/s,有效射程从4000m提高到了7000m,全弹重从18.1kg降低到15.89kg,弹头重从15.6kg降低到13.41kg,装药仍为A-IX-2,装药量从1.69kg提高到2.3kg,爆炸破片初始速度1040m/s提高到1350m/s,有效杀伤面积由160m² …
Army Guide - 3UOF19, Round
Army Guide - information about the main battle tanks, armoured vehicles and armament of the land forces and also the information concerning other army subjects - 3UOF19, Round, Ammunition
The 2A70 is a 100mm cannon/missile-launcher developed by KBP Tula as the primary weapon for the BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle. This gun system can fire 100mm rounds such as 3UOF17 and 3UOF19 as well as the Bastion anti-tank guided missile.