15-Round .22LR Reloadable Beehive Round for 37mm/40mm …
The AU Beehive holds fifteen .22 LR rimfire rounds that fire simultaneously from your 37mm or 40mm launcher with the use of one large magnum pistol primer. The Beehive is reusable and is reloaded by hand.
- Reviews: 38
37MM Launchers & Accessories - FTF Industries Inc.
37MM Launchers & Accessories including 37mm gas gun, 37mm gun, 37mm shells, 37mm fireworks, 37mm flare gun, 37mm M203 Launcher, 37mm grenade launcher, legal grenade launcher.
15-Round .22LR Reloadable Beehive Round for 37mm/40mm …
The Beehive holds fifteen .22 LR rimfire rounds that fire simultaneously from your 37mm or 40mm launcher with the use of one large pistol primer. The Beehive is reusable and is reloaded by hand. Built to last, the Beehive is manufactured from aerospace …
37mm BeeHive 22LR Insert | 37mm And Exotic
37mm BeeHive 22LR Insert - This Insert is for some 37mm Launchers. Notes: 1) This does not work in all Launchers. 2) These are Laser Engraved by Everything 37mm and Exotic. WARNING: Will NOT Work in the Havoc; Tac-D, or Slam Fire. $119.00 Plus S&H. Newest version of the BeeHive, formerly the Hornets Nest.
37mm registered as a DD.. What can I actually shoot out of it that …
Apr 27, 2016 · Like the beehive .22LR rounds, adapters for 12ga for 37mm are scarce, because most of them are unregistered, and they don't want to make products that will unwittingly tempt people into making unregistered DD's, or knowingly tempt them.
37 MM Ammunition | Gum Gully Provision
37 MM TEXAS GUN SLINGER (2 PACK} $ 30.00 Add to basket; Deluxe 37mm Reloading Starter Kit $ 250.00 Read more; Ordinance Group 37 MM Flare Rounds (5 pack) ... Piney Mountain .22 LR Tracer. Rated 5.00 out of 5 $ 29.00; Atwood 3/32 Tactical Cord 100 ' Coyote $ 6.00; 30 Carbine Red Super Tracer $ 20.00;
Beehive 22LR 37MM For Sale | 37MM Beehive Round
The AU Beehive holds fifteen .22 LR rimfire rounds that fire simultaneously from your 37mm or 40mm launcher with the use of one large pistol primer. The Beehive is reusable and is reloaded by hand. Built to last, the Beehive is manufactured from aerospace grade aluminum with a hard coat anodize finish.
Exotic Ammo - The leader in 37mm Launchers and Rounds
10+ years in business, exceptional guarantees, and 1,000s of launchers sold, Exotic Ammo is the leader in 37mm flare, signaling, safety, and wildlife control devices. There are 2 types: Underbarrel and Topbreak. Both are made here in the USA and can launch a range of 37mm designated ammunition (see overview article here).
IWI ML37mm Smooth Bore Flare Launcher Full Kit | 37mm ... - 37mm …
37mm Launcher. Side Loading. High End Product. The 22LR BeeHive can be used with this Launcher. $1,699.00 Plus S&H. The ML37 is a versatile, easy-to-use signaling device, from which all commercially available 37mm signal cartridges can be fired. The signaling device is made from high-quality materials such as hard-
Various Lengths – Chambered for 22 LR - Print-a-22
Various length cut and chambered 22LR barrel liner for your 3d printed firearms. Perfect for the Harlot, Shizukana, Scarlot, Harlet, MP22, Longshot, artillery boi, and more! Fast Shipping.