37 U.S. Code § 332 - General bonus authority for officers
Dec 31, 2024 · accepts a commission or appointment as an officer in a uniformed service; affiliates with a reserve component of a uniformed service; agrees to remain on active duty or …
37 USC 332: General bonus authority for officers - House
General bonus authority for officers. (1) accepts a commission or appointment as an officer in a uniformed service; (2) affiliates with a reserve component of a uniformed service; (3) agrees to remain on active duty or to serve in an active status for a specific period as an officer in a uniformed service;
37 U.S.C. § 332 - U.S. Code Title 37. Pay and Allowances of the ...
Jan 1, 2024 · Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services § 332. General bonus authority for officers. (a) Authority to provide bonus. --The Secretary concerned may pay a bonus under this section to a person, including an officer in the uniformed services, who--
§332. General bonus authority for officers (a) AUTHORITYTOPROVIDEBONUS.—The Sec-retary concerned may pay a bonus under this section to a person, including an officer in the uniformed services, who— (1) accepts a commission or appointment as an officer in a uniformed service; (2) affiliates with a reserve component of a uniformed service;
332nd Training Squadron
Our mission is to train both international and United States military and civilian personnel to speak or teach English through resident and nonresident programs by providing high-quality instruction and developing both high-quality training materials and test instruments for use throughout the Department of Defense and around the world.
During the delay in implementation, the provisions of section 301a of title 37, United States Code, as in effect on the day before the date of the enactment of this Act, shall continue to apply in the case of such department to the payment of aviation career incentive pay under such section.
This instruction implements AFPD 37-1, Air Force Information Management (will convert to AFPD 33-3). It also implements Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 5400.11, Department of Defense Pri-
37 USC 335: Special bonus and incentive pay authorities for
(1) Health professions bonus.-A bonus paid to a person or officer under subsection (a) shall be in addition to any other pay and allowance to which the person or officer is entitled, except that a person or officer may not receive a payment under such subsection and section 332 of this title for the same period of obligated service.
General bonus authority for officers - 37 U.S.C. § 332 (2013 ...
(a) Authority To Provide Bonus.—The Secretary concerned may pay a bonus under this section to a person, including an officer in the uniformed services, who— (1) accepts a commission or appointment as an officer in a uniformed service; (2) affiliates with a reserve component of a uniformed service;
[C2] Holley 3310-1 info requested - CorvetteForum
Oct 27, 2016 · In the past I have rebuilt this carb with a 37-1084 kit and a 37-332 kit. These kits are pre-internet when you went to a parts store and asked for a rebuild kit. Maybe they were the only Holley 4bbl kit and the guy knew less than I did, who knows.