2Fort - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
Oct 10, 2007 · Intelligence room: The Intelligence room has two entrances from the Basement. This is the primary defensive point of 2Fort, and as such, it is frequently camped, especially by Engineers. The Intelligence is on top of a desk in the opposite corner to both entrances.
Community 2Fort strategy - Official TF2 Wiki - Team Fortress 2
Oct 10, 2007 · In the Intelligence room, place Stickybombs so that they appear to be right inside the Intelligence, hidden from view, and stay in the room and detonate when a Scout attempts to take it. Watch out, because critical stickybombs can ruin this tactic, since their glow will be visible, causing the Scout to hunt you down or shoot at the desk before ...
2Fort Invasion - Official TF2 Wiki - Team Fortress 2
It leads to the Intelligence Office and a Resupply Room exists at the end nearest to the Stairs. In spite of appearances, the Resupply Room is not a Respawn, no player will ever respawn in that room after they die. There is a Health pack and Ammo box in the middle of the Data Hall.
Capture the Flag - Official TF2 Wiki - Team Fortress 2
The Intelligence, also known as the "intel", "flag", or "briefcase", is the eponymous flag and objective of the Capture the Flag game mode. It is a team-colored briefcase sporting a complicated numbered lock pad on the front and papers protruding out of its joints.
2Fort - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
Intelligence room: This is the room that has the Intelligence. It has two entrances from the Basement. This is the primary defensive point of 2Fort, and as such it is frequently camped by Engineers, Demomen, and other classes. To successfully capture your opposition's Intelligence, you must return it to the Intelligence room in your own base.
Glitches - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
Invisible 2Fort Bridge Roof - Occasionally, a player will be able to see through the bridge roof on 2Fort. However, the roof remains solid. The cause is a texture error for the roof. Over the Player Limit - If the room has too many spectators, the game assumes players are still needed on the teams. Therefore, it will still be considered an open ...
2Fort - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
BLU Intel room Intelligence room : Místnost s inteligencí, která má dva vchody z podzemí. Jedná se o hlavní obranný bod 2Fortu a často ji brání větší počet hráčů, obzvláště Engineerů.
2Fort - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
As bases de 2Fort são as mais fáceis de se defender dentre todos os mapas padrão de CTF, graças às passagens longas e facilmente bloqueáveis que levam à sala da inteligência do inimigo. Cada captura vai exigir uma quantidade substancial de trabalho em equipe, especialmente quando o número de jogadores é alto.
2Fort - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
2Fort es un mapa de Captura la Bandera y remasterización del mapa homónimo de Team Fortress Classic; ambos basados en el mapa de Team Fortress llamado 2Fort5. 2Fort fue el primer mapa CTF oficial para Team Fortress 2 y uno de los 6 mapas incluidos inicialmente en el lanzamiento del juego.
Exploits - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
2Fort. Holding Enemy Spawn Doors Open - Both teams can hold open the enemy's spawn door at the hay room by running into it while it is open. Should a member of the RED team attempt this, there is a chance for the player to get stuck in the door, unable to move, and end up getting dragged up and down with the door as the BLU team enters and ...