211 WNY
211 WNY is your free and confidential link to health and human services. Every day, across Western New York, people just like you are looking for help. 211 WNY is here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Connect to 211 WNY by texting your zip code to 898211. Text is available M-F …
211 WNY
211 WNY is your free and confidential link to health and human services. Every day, across Western New York, people just like you are looking for help. 211 WNY is here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Developmental Disabilities. Domestic Abuse. Health and Wellness. Housing. Legal Services. Mental Health. Nutrition.
NY Connects - Erie County - 211 WNY
Aging and Disability Resource Center for Erie County serving as a "one-stop" for help navigating the Long Term Care Systems in Erie County.
211 WNY | United Way of Buffalo & Erie County - uwbec.org
During the December 21 to 26, 2022 winter storm Elliott, thousands of individuals and families were impacted, resulting in 46 deaths in Buffalo and Erie County. United Way’s 211WNY program was used in partnership with Erie County to assess …
Community Agencies and Services for the Disabled - Erie County
211 WNY is your free and confidential link to health and human services. Every day, across Western New York, people just like you are looking for help. 211 WNY is here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A not-for-profit advocacy group focused on educating the community about individuals with Down Syndrome.
I Need Help Now | Mental Health - Erie County
211 WNY is a free and confidential link to health and human services that you can access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year. You can find available community resources for many health, social, mental health, substance use and developmental disability services by calling 2-1-1 or accessing their website at www.211wny.org .
WNY Reentry Resources
Confidential resources to help you or a loved one connect with a skilled, trained mental health professional. From gettting an ID or birth certificate to obtaining health insurance and prescriptions to navigating child visitation, our how to guides walk you through the process.
From hello to help, 211 is here - United Way of Erie County
Feb 11, 2022 · People in need of social services can dial 211 24/7/365 from a landline or cell phone and reach a trained, professional resource navigator who will listen to the caller’s concerns and provide information on the appropriate nonprofit(s) that can assist the caller with their need(s).
211 NY Regions | 211 New York State
To connect you with the right services close to home, 211 New York is offered through 12 regions, served by eight contact centers. To reach us any time, simply dial 211. Counties served: …
Home | 211 New York State
211 is a free and confidential service that connects you with thousands of local programs and services. Simply dial 211 on your phone to reach one of our friendly, trained community resource specialists available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.