11th Airborne Division > Home
The 11th Airborne Division executes expeditionary operations worldwide, conducts Multi-Domain Operations in the Indo-Pacific theater and the Arctic, and on order decisively defeats any adversary in extreme cold weather, mountainous and high-latitude environments through large scale combat operations.
11th Airborne Division > Units > 2nd Infantry Brigade - United …
The 2nd Brigade, 11th Airborne Division is an airborne infantry brigade combat team of the United States Army. The unit is home-stationed at Fort Richardson, Alaska near Anchorage and is the only airborne brigade combat team in the Pacific Theater.
11th Airborne Division | Units - United States Army
2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Airborne, 11th Airborne Division is an airborne infantry brigade combat team of the United States Army. The unit is home-stationed at Fort Richardson, Alaska near Anchorage and is the only airborne brigade combat team in the Pacific Theater.
Our History - United States Army
The 11th Airborne Division deployed to Germany early in 1956, then deactivated on August 1, 1958. It reactivated at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, on February 1, 1963, and became the 11th Air Assault Division (Test), to develop and refine air assault tactics and equipment for a new helicopter-borne Army.
11th Airborne Division > Units > 1st Infantry Brigade - United …
1st Brigade, 11th Airborne Division reflagged on June 6th, 2022 in a ceremony held at Fort Wainwright, Alaska, which we call home. 1st Brigade is an infantry-centric organization; we train, operate and fight in the interior of Alaska, from summer to winter.
11th Airborne Division > Newcomers - United States Army
The Official Website of the 11th Airborne Division. Incoming Soldier - JBER. Reporting and In-processing. Anchorage International Airport - when you arrive and get your bags, look for the “Atwood Lounge” (ASYMCA Military Lounge) inside the airport from which you can call In-processing, at 907-384-1906.
11th Airborne Division > Site Index - United States Army
The Official Website of the 11th Airborne Division. Official websites use .mil . A .mil website belongs to an official U.S. Department of Defense organization in the United States.
11th Airborne Division > Units > Non-Commissioned Officer …
Noncommissioned Officer Academy. Mission Certify, train and prepare Soldiers to execute the duties of a Team Leader who are critical thinkers, problem solvers, and competent communicators through the expert delivery of the Army's Basic Leader Course Program of Instruction. Vision The USARAK NCOA trains future NCOs in the most up to date Basic Leader Course instruction with cadre who care about ...
11th Airborne Division > Units > Arctic Support Command
Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 11th Airborne Division 17th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion SFC Christopher R. Brevard Noncommissioned Officer Academy Northern Warfare Training Center Reception. New Soldiers and Contact Info. Are you a new Soldier? Welcome! Contact information: Reception North: 907-353-2273.
11th Airborne Division > Units > 1st Infantry Brigade > 25th …
11th Airborne Division Commanding General 11th Airborne Division Command Sergeant Major 11th Airborne Division Deputy Commanding General, Operations 11th Airborne Division Deputy Commanding General, Support Units. 1st Infantry Brigade. 25th Brigade Support Battalion 2nd …