Lewis and Clark's Travels Included Dozens of Astonishing Animal ...
Jan 7, 2020 · But during their 8,000-mile journey from Missouri to the Pacific Ocean and back between 1804-1806, Lewis and Clark discovered 122 animal species, including iconic American animals like the...
Mammals - Discover Lewis & Clark
One of the animals recorded by Lewis and Clark—and which became one of the staples of their mostly carnivorous diet—was the wapiti, or American elk (Cervus elaphus). More... Lewis referred to it as a “tyger cat.” Even Carl Linneaus, the father of modern taxonomy, couldn’t decide whether the wolverine belonged to the weasel family or the dog family.
Animals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition - Lewis & Clark …
Dec 18, 2020 · Tags: animals lewis and clark lewis and clark expedition lewis and clark national historic trail. Last updated: December 18, 2020. Park footer. Contact Info. Mailing Address: 601 Riverfront Dr. Omaha, NE 68102 Phone: 402 661-1804. Contact Us
List of species described by the Lewis and Clark Expedition
Meriwether Lewis collected many hundreds of plants on the Lewis and Clark Expedition.All of the plants Lewis collected in the first months of the Expedition were cached near the Missouri River to be retrieved on the return journey. The cache was completely destroyed by Missouri flood waters.
14 Animals Lewis and Clark “Discovered” - Mental Floss
May 24, 2024 · Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were credited with discovering at least 178 plants and 122 animals during their great early 19th-century expedition across the North American plains....
Lewis and Clark: Expedition, Purpose & Facts | HISTORY
Nov 9, 2009 · The Lewis and Clark Expedition began in 1804, when President Thomas Jefferson tasked Meriwether Lewis with exploring the lands west of the Mississippi River that comprised the Louisiana...
Animals: Journals of Lewis and Clark - lewis-and-clark-expedition…
The following excerpts are taken from entries of the Journals of Lewis and Clark - Animals. A general description of the beasts, birds and plants, &c. found by the party in this expedition. the domestic and the wild animals. The first embraces the horse and dog only.
Plant and Animal Discoveries - Montana Kids
Aug 6, 2020 · Throughout the Corps’ more than 4,000-mile journey, Captains Lewis and Clark recorded 178 plants and 122 animals not previously known to science. Lewis recorded and pressed and preserved some 240 different plant species and brought them back to Washington, along with hundreds of animal and bird skins and skeletons.
10 Lewis and Clark Accomplishments and Achievements
Jun 7, 2023 · Lewis and Clark’s expedition significantly contributed to the field of natural history. They encountered and documented numerous previously unknown plant and animal species, describing them in detail and collecting specimens for further study. The expedition’s scientific findings expanded the knowledge of Western ecosystems and biodiversity.
Animals discovered by Lewis and Clark - lewis-and-clark-expedition…
The following is a list of animals and reptiles discovered by the Lewis and Clark Expedition. The members of the expedition took great delight in choosing the names of the animals. Audubon's Mountain Sheep