Universal IFERROR (INDEX (Range, (MATCH (Cell,Range,0),"-") …
Oct 31, 2016 · 3. I would like to have a universal code that allows to replace the two above-mentioned formulas a function on VBA to select the desired range, or a macro that asks to select the desired range for comparison). Probably VBA function will much better than macro, as when data on sheets or workbooks updates - somethimes I need recalculate again. A macro in this …
[Excel 2k3 + VBA] Runtime error '1004' Cannot change part of a …
Nov 17, 2011 · '*********************************************************************'* INPUT top left cell of the merge'* INPUT " [ROWS]# [COLUMNS]" offset to be merged (void = 0)'*********************************************************************PublicSub str_merge (row, col, instructions) Dim x, y AsIntegerDim q AsVariant q = Split (instructions, "#") y ...
Excel-VBA - Tabellen - Daten auswählen
Apr 21, 2013 · Ps. habe zwar etwas Erfahrung in C# und VB aber Bei VBA bin ich ein völliger Neuling. Ich bitte deshalb um Gedult mit mir. Keine Bange, alles gut. Die Grundlagen kennst Du, das merkt man, Du weißt nur nicht so Recht wo die Dinge zu finden sind, das ist normal.
Redim Matrix - social.msdn.microsoft.com
Nov 4, 2017 · I have been trying to Redim a matrix by multiplying the rows by 2 and preserve the data.
Amending the Function FindAsUType for connecting to SQL …
Apr 16, 2018 · For lngI = LBound (avarExceptionList) To UBound (avarExceptionList) If avarExceptionList (lngI) = strControl Then bSkip = True Exit For End If Next If Not bSkip Then 'Ignore if unbound, or bound to an expression. strControlSource = ctl.ControlSource If (strControlSource = vbNullString) Or (strControlSource Like "=*") Then bSkip = True Else ...
Need to do Left join between two recordsets
Sep 19, 2012 · I have scenario that I have to do left join between two recordsets in a excel. Actually I have read a excel sheet as a recordset and other record set contains data from SQL Server table. I need to find out the unmatched records out of the record set which is having excel sheet data, The problem is I am not able to code for Left join between two record sets, I have …
Need help with VBA code for Windows 10 Microsft edge browser
We have automated xl template written in macros and VBA to automate tasks for one of our web application. When the script runs it opens up IE and fill all the details and submit the form. The issue now is windows 10 does have Microsoft edge and VBA is not compatible with edge as it does with IE. So need to know how to open edge through VBA or how to handle edge using VBA.
Outlook Addin error reading subject of Outlook.MailItem
Jul 25, 2008 · 'add logic to move all customer reply's to "Customer Reply" folder 'loop through all folders until you reach the folder object you specify 'it will be the last folder in the string strToFolders = Replace (strToFolders, "/", "\") arrFolders = Split (strToFolders, "\") For t As Byte = 0 To UBound (arrFolders) MAPIToFolder = GetFolder (arrFolders (t), MAPIToFolder) Next …
Recordcount return -1 - social.msdn.microsoft.com
Dec 21, 2010 · Below is my module for retrieving record from the database. Why is RS1.recordcount return -1 everytime when there is a record?
3066 Error
Sep 10, 2014 · Say for example if you have a Query saves as, SELECT aField, bField, cField FROM theTable WHERE cField = Forms!FormName!controlName; In VBA runtime you create it as, Private Sub buttonName_Click () Dim strSQL As String strSQL = "SELECT aField, bField, cField " & _ "FROM yourTableName " & _ "WHERE cField = " & Me.yourControlName …
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