Sweet Feed for Deer - Pros n Cons - GON Forum
May 13, 2011 · Do not use sweet feed for deer!!! It can cause lactic aciddosis in their system and it changes the ph levels in their rumen.A deers ph level has to stay at a neutral 7.0 and feeding deer sweet feeds are not recommended.Also when the ph is changed it kills enzymes and bacteria deer need to break down and start digestion of their food sources( browse,food plots etc..
Sweet Feed?? - Whiskey - American Distilling Institute Forums
May 14, 2013 · It is the molasses that is the problem. It would be way easier for you just to make your own sweet feed with normal molasses without any additives in it. Or get the winter blend and use that to make your sweet food. That's my two cents.
Corn or SweetFeed - GON Forum
Sep 15, 2011 · Nasty, Sweet feed will work as an attractant. I don't think it has the proper nutrition that deer require.Compare the labels for a bag of sweet feed vs corn.Wildlifepro could probably tell you the pros and cons of sweet feed.
Sweet Feed for Deer - Pros n Cons | Page 2 | GON Forum
May 13, 2011 · Yet his points above are valid; you should not feed sweet feed to deer. The molasses & sugars are much more likely to induce rumen acidosis than corn, & very quick to mold, which can be directly toxic. It's 12% protein, not an improvement over good, native forage, much less a food plot.
Sweet feed - GON Forum
Jan 25, 2022 · I have been mixing sweet feed with corn and it doesn't last long enough for you to worry about mold. Deer love it! I put 200 pounds (50/50) mix in a trash can that has three 1.5" holes near the bottom. It's gone is 4 days! Funny, my wife keeps wondering where the horse sweet feed goes LOL I just smile. Finally showed her a few pictures.
All Stock sweet feed? - GON Forum
Jun 28, 2009 · All Stock sweet feed? Thread starter Camo1; Start date Jun 28, 2009; Jun 28, 2009 #1 Camo1 Member.
Best hog trap bait during deer season? - GON Forum
Oct 18, 2012 · Sweet feed smells so good I almost want to eat it.once on the ground, I top my bait with cherry or fruit punch drink mix. Walmart has the "great value" brand drink mix which is the cheaper alternative of kool aid. It is about $2.50 for a tub, and it goes a long way. It has a very potent sweet smell, and lasts on the ground for a looong time.
What is the best Deer feed to make the horns blow up??? - GON …
Jan 25, 2014 · Guess our deer are different, we just use beef protein pellets at about $8 a bag and mix with corn at a mix of 250 lbs pellets to 50 pounds corn and they devour it. I have tried sweet feed and other feeds and blocks that have molasses in it and our deer just ignore those.
Goat feed as a substitute for corn? - GON Forum
Apr 28, 2010 · Tractor Supply last year had deer protein pellets for around 10-12 bucks a bag. I would mix 50/50 with corn. I use a trough type feeder but have a good size overhang to keep the rain out unless it is blowing sideways.
Pellet sweet feed - GON Forum
Aug 23, 2015 · You should never feed sweet feed to deer. The molasses & sugars in it are much more likely to induce rumen acidosis than corn. They also predispose it to mold growth, even in high humidity without direct rainfall. Those molds produce toxins that …