Pegmatite - Wikipedia
Under BGS terminology, a pegmatitic rock (for example, a pegmatitic gabbro) is a coarse-grained rock containing patches of much coarser-grained rock of essentially the same composition. [7] …
Pegmatite: Igneous Rock - Pictures, Definition & More - Geology.com
Pegmatites are extreme igneous rocks that form during the final stage of a magma’s crystallization. They are extreme because they contain exceptionally large crystals and they …
Pegmatite | Properties, Composition, Formation, Uses, Occurrence
Apr 12, 2019 · Pegmatite is an igneous rock that form end of the stage a magma’s crystallization. Pegmatites contain exceptionally large crystals and they contain rarely minerals than other …
Pegmatite | Igneous, Minerals, Crystals | Britannica
pegmatite, almost any wholly crystalline igneous rock that is at least in part very coarse grained, the major constituents of which include minerals typically found in ordinary igneous rocks and …
Pegmatite: Formation, Composition, Properties, Uses - Geology In
Pegmatite is a coarse-grained igneous rock, renowned for its exceptionally large crystals, Composed mainly of quartz, feldspar, and mica, it shares a similar composition to granite but …
Pegmatite: Identification, Pictures & Info for Rockhounds
Pegmatite is an intrusive igneous rock defined by its very large, interlocking crystals that can range in size from 1 cm to over 1 meter. It is usually primarily composed of quartz, feldspar, …
Pegmatite: An Intrusive Igneous Rock - ThoughtCo
Jun 13, 2018 · Pegmatite is called an intrusive igneous rock because it forms when magma solidifies under the Earth's surface. In contrast, when magma solidifies outside the Earth's …
Pegmatite - Igneous Rocks - Sandatlas
Silica undersaturated (without quartz) magmatic rocks may be also pegmatitic. The term “pegmatite” was first used by a French mineralogist René Haüy, but he used this term as a …
Here Is a Quick Hack to Understanding Pegmatites - Geology Base
Sep 11, 2022 · Pegmatites are intrusive or plutonic igneous rocks with wholly crystalline, unusually large, or coarse crystals that may sometimes interlock. These rocks form from a low …
PEGMATITE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of PEGMATITE is a coarse variety of granite occurring in dikes or veins.