Doctor / Provider - Health Plan of Nevada
Access our provider information on the go. Get a provider summary guide, protocols and health care. Visit Health Plan of Nevada online for providers.
Contact Us - Doctor / Provider - Health Plan of Nevada
Need further assistance? Please call 702-242-7088 or toll-free at 1-800-745-7065, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time. You can also send us an email. Simply fill out the form below and we'll be in touch.
Claims Address - Health Plan of Nevada
Send claims to Sierra Health and Life. Sierra Health and Life Claims P.O. Box 15645 Las Vegas, NV 89114-5645. Need further assistance? Explore our "I need help with" menu at the top of the page.
Contact Us - Provider - Home - Health Plan of Nevada
Need further assistance? Please call toll-free at 1-800-745-7065, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time. You can also send us an email. Simply fill out the form below and we'll be in touch. To report Fraud, Waste or Abuse, please call the Fraud Hotline at 1-866-242-7727 or Compliance & Ethics HelpCenter toll-free at 1-800-455-4521.
HPN Non-Plan Provider Claim Form PHOTOCOPIES OF THIS CLAIM FORM ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE Member: Give this form to your Non-Plan Provider before obtaining benefi ts for Covered Services. Provider: Certain Covered Services require Prior Authorization. SECTION 1: Subscriber and Patient Information
Pay-Your-Premium - Health Plan of Nevada
Pay your premium by mail. Detach the top of your billing statement and include it with your payment. Then write your group ID and subscriber ID on your check. Mail and make checks payable to:
2 Claims Reconsideration Requests Previously denied as “Exceeds Timely Filing” Timely filing is the time limit for filing claims, which is specified in the network contract, a state mandate or a benefit plan. For a non-network provider, the benefit plan would decide the timely filing limits.
Prescription Drug Coverage - Member - Health Plan of Nevada
Request reimbursement for covered medications purchased at retail cost. Fill out the OptumRx prescription reimbursement request form.Complete one form per member. When submitting the form include the original pharmacy receipt for each medication (not the register receipt).