A Guide To Crepe Myrtle Varieties - Southern Living
Jun 9, 2023 · Here is the ultimate guide to the many shapes, sizes, and varieties of crepe myrtles. Choosing a crepe myrtle variety that best fits the space you have is the key to making sure you both find happiness for years to come.
Crape Myrtle Varieties (Pictures, Sizes and Colors) - Gardenine
Jul 14, 2023 · There are over 52 varieties of crape myrtles, most with brilliant blooms and foliage. This article discusses 14 common varieties of crape myrtle, covering their sizes, bloom colors and seasons. Here are the most common types of crape myrtle: 1. Coral Magic Crape Myrtle. Coral magic crape myrtle is a class of plants within the Lythraceae family.
21 Best Crepe Myrtle Varieties To Enliven Your Landscape
In our rundown of the finest selections, we’ve included dwarf varieties, short and long flowering periods, and all manner of bloom colors to ensure you’ll find the best type for your garden space. Take a look at these 21 beauties!
Varieties — The Complete List - Crape Myrtle Trails of McKinney…
No one will probably ever have a complete list of all the crape myrtle varieties. There are many cultivars/varieties that are identical to others with different names. Only gene testing could tell us the real facts.
12 Large And Medium Crepe Myrtle Trees For Big Impact - Southern Living
May 15, 2023 · Crepe myrtle varieties come in all sizes, but if you have the space for it, we say, ‘Go big!’ Here are some of our favorite types of medium and large crepe myrtles that tower above the rest.
Best Crape Myrtles by Size - Crape Myrtle Trails of McKinney, Texas
We are frequently asked to recommend the best-performing varieties according to size and color. We polled a group of Texas and national experts on crape myrtles, and the following are their recommendations.
Crepe Myrtle – Varieties and Characteristics - GardenInsider.org
May 24, 2024 · Crepe Myrtle is a popular flowering tree known for its vibrant blooms and unique bark. There are various varieties of Crepe Myrtle, each with its own characteristics and growing requirements. Understanding the different Crepe Myrtle cultivars can help you choose the perfect tree for your garden.
Types of Crepe Myrtle and Varieties You Should Know About ...
Talking about the different kinds of crepe myrtles, the list is endless. We have categorized crepe myrtle species as per the size and listed some popular varieties.
Crape Myrtles: Sizes and Colors Explained - Springtown Garden …
Jul 17, 2024 · Crape myrtles come in several varieties, broadly categorized by their mature size and bloom color. Here’s a breakdown to help you decide which one suits your garden best. Check out https://www.facebook.com/springtowngardencenter/ to see what we have in stock at the store.
Crape Myrtle Varieties - FastGrowingTrees.com
Mar 2, 2022 · Check out our crape myrtle guide below for key features, planting and care steps and specific variety recommendations! Crape Myrtle Characteristics Flowers. The most attention-grabbing feature of crape myrtles is their columns of flowers, ranging in length from 6-18 inches.