Yamaha R6 Forum: YZF-R6 Forums
Mar 1, 2025 · A forum community dedicated to Yamaha R6 motorcycle owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more!
Motorcycle Suspension Setup 101 - Yamaha R6 Forum: YZF-R6 …
Jan 16, 2009 · Dan CCS #598 91 FZR 1000 04 YZF-R1 05 YZF-R6 (track bike) 05 V-Max 0098/2000 20th Anniversary 04 Roadstar Warrior TEAM: SO FAST SO CLEAN
Ignition coil brand recommendations - Yamaha R6 Forum: YZF-R6 …
May 19, 2022 · HI all, I've got 1 ignition coil that has cracked down the side and is now grounding to the spark plug chamber and upon inspection I have another that has some cracks developing on the sides that is soon to be on it's way. I'm now looking into …
HOW TO: Hidden Air Fuel Ratio Adjustment - Yamaha R6 Forum: …
Oct 4, 2020 · Add-ons, such as the Power Commander, are not required for this. Second Gen R6 instructions are slightly different from above. Be sure to record your original numbers, prior to making any adjustments. Running too lean can damage your engine. Running too rich (or/and too cold) may (slowly) clog/restrict your catalytic converter. This restricts airflow. Time from …
Best Mods, And Why - Yamaha R6 Forum: YZF-R6 Forums
Apr 12, 2011 · New user here, been reading for a while and just had a few questions. I've been racing off road for a while but theres a big difference between a YZF450 and a YZF R6. I'm looking to buy a R6 for this upcoming summer here in NJ, and I just wanted to know what are everyones first mods they put on...
R6 for First Bike? - Yamaha R6 Forum: YZF-R6 Forums
Sep 20, 2019 · I would highly recommend against it. it can be done but a sportbike is a specialized bike made for racing. it's hard to ride for a first time rider. if you have rode other bikes you may do just fine. keep in mind the bike can get you in over your head really fast because its so fast. I would suggest getting something like the R3 first. however if you decide to get the r6 …
R6 Service Manual Fault Code Table - Yamaha R6 Forum: YZF-R6 …
Jul 2, 2007 · 11 - No standard signals are received from the cylinder identification sensor when the engine is started or while the vehicle is being driven. 12 - No standard signals are received from the crankshaft position sensor. 13 - Intake air pressure sensor: open or …
R6 Fork Fluid Level - Yamaha R6 Forum: YZF-R6 Forums
Jan 19, 2013 · Hi, I'll be changing the fork fluid on mine and a couple friend's bikes this spring. I've changed the fluid the simple way several times (pour the fluid into a measuring cup, replace it with the same amount). This time I would like to check that the forks have the correct amount of fluid...
HOW TO: Coolant Flush With Pictures - Yamaha R6 Forum: YZF-R6 …
Apr 15, 2010 · Fairly easy job. Let's get started. Here's what you're going to need. Basic tools, distilled water, container to catch fluids, a funnel, fresh coolant of your choice, and rags or paper towels. I use that baking pan to keep all the hardware organized. It's also nice to have your owners manual...
Best year for R6 ? pros/cons between model years?
Aug 25, 2009 · from 06 they all have the same engine with slight power differences but nothing a non racer would notice, the latest is the lightest. The 06-07 R6 has visible fairing fastners and a larger air scoop on the side fairings and a few other minor differences are all that split them. although R6 boff's will be along to tell us their are many more differences than that