Phaeton | VW Vortex - Volkswagen Forum
Feb 25, 2025 · Discussion forum for the Phaeton flagship sedan model.
Use of VAG-COM (VCDS) Software with Phaetons - VW Vortex
Feb 8, 2005 · If you want the 'freeware' version, then you have to construct your own cable, or buy a third party cable. All of the Phaeton owners that I know who use a VAG-COM have just bought the Ross-Tech cable. Michael HEX-USB Cable for VAG-COM Software The large connector plugs into the Phaeton OBD connector, the little connector is a standard USB ...
How to (and how NOT to) tow a Phaeton - VW Vortex
Oct 17, 2005 · My Phaeton had a little problem last week and needed to be transported to the VW dealer. The staff at Phaeton Customer Care did a wonderful job of contacting roadside assistance and dispatching a suitable flatbed tow truck to pick up my car - the tow truck arrived 90 minutes after my phone call, and the driver was even nice enough to drop me ...
Tips for detailing the Phaeton? | VW Vortex - Volkswagen Forum
Oct 2, 2008 · Re: Tips for detailing the Phaeton? (JulianBenjamin) Personally, I wouldn't recommend using ANY of the dishwashing liquids on the market. Too harsh, in my opinion. Go to the Auto Parts place (or any other store) and get some Turtle Wax Car Wash...or Pep Boys Car Wash. These are milder soaps...and wash your wheels first.
The 10 Secret Phaeton Design Parameters - VW Vortex
Jan 13, 2009 · For the Phaeton's interior there are exclusive wood trim options, all finished in perfect workmanship. The 18-way adjustable seats feature the finest leather trim, such as "Vienna Classic Style". The Phaeton is fitted with green-tinted heat-insulating two-layer safety glass, for example, to keep all ambient noise out of the vehicle.
Phaeton 3.0 tdi remap. | VW Vortex - Volkswagen Forum
Apr 6, 2016 · PHAETON 2011 3.0 TDI 240PS GP3 Phaeton ownership year 2 and while its had a few quirks in the time I have had it ownership has been a breeze and I can tell when the time comes to part with this car it will be a struggle. Now the one point that I personally feel lets the car down is the lack of overtaking power.
Phaeton audio upgrade | VW Vortex - Volkswagen Forum
Jan 15, 2015 · USA '04 Phaeton V8 Nocturne Aubergine/Sonnenbeige (bought Mar 2011 w/aprox 64K miles) Platinum Easy Driver Warranty, for 48 mo or 48K); Comfort/Cold Weather; Technology; Digital 270 watt stereo; Keyless; Brown Sisal interior/Black Sisal trunk mats (cocomats.com);
Audi A8L vs VW Phaeton | VW Vortex - Volkswagen Forum
Sep 12, 2005 · Re: Audi A8L vs VW Phaeton (ed94080) It was my intention to buy an Audi A8L. After one test drive each, I bought the VW Phaeton W12 instead. The Audi is an excellent car but the Phaeton is special. The Phaeton is the better bang for the buck and the interior fit and finish is better than the A8L.
Phaeton Meet at Die Glaserne Manufaktur - VW Vortex
Jan 2, 2025 · Admin of Phaeton Owners UK - www.phaetonowners.co.uk Owner: 2014 Volkswagen Phaeton 3.0 V6 TDI LWB (Mazeppa Grey)/ 2006 Volkswagen Phaeton V10 TDI LWB (Nocturne Aubergine) Former Owner: 2003 Volkswagen Phaeton 3.2 SWB (Nocturne Aubergine)/ 2012 Volkswagen Phaeton 3.0 V6 TDI SWB (Deep Black)
W12 engine/transmission removal for starter replacement - VW …
Jan 1, 2013 · Yesterday my trusted Phaeton tech began the lengthy process of dropping the engine and transmission, in order to gain access to the starter. As a preventive measure, while the engine is down and we have this opportunity to get to other systems that would otherwise be out of reach, we plan to replace/repair anything else we find that looks ...