How to fix your Minecraft When you have mods crashing your …
Feb 22, 2012 · you should aslo take into account that their are a few different ways to install mods. such as modloader and timber. both of these mods are installed directly into the minecraft.jar however mods like mo creatures (Drzhark) Tomes mod (PinkEmma) and my mods go into the .minecraft/mods folder. this can often make the difference from a black screen ...
How to get rid of trees fast? - Creative Mode - Minecraft Forum
Jun 7, 2013 · Also, the Timber mod works on creative too, so you can use it to chop down trees and they will dissappear after a short while. Rollback Post to Revision RollBack To post a comment, please login .
Exception ticking world Problem! - Java Edition Support
Mar 6, 2016 · IndustrialCraft is most probably adding seasonal content depending on the date (Post Halloween, or Christmas month or something), which apparently has a bug and crashes the server majorly.
MC server not initialized? - Server Support and Administration ...
Jul 17, 2023 · Maybe an issue on the client side - also add the latest.log from your launcher's logs folder. Use sites like https://paste.ee/ to add larger logs