What does this tenuto notation mean? - Music: Practice & Theory …
Feb 10, 2021 · The two tenuto notes constitute a separate "voice" from the sixteenth notes. It's as if two instruments are playing: the melody instrument plays the two dotted eighths; an accompaniment instrument plays the sixteenths. The tenuto notes are barred together for clarity that they are "connected". Tenuto means as you say: give each tenuto note its full value. The marking is technically redundant ...
piano - Isn't a tenuto marking redundant? - Music: Practice
Jan 11, 2019 · A tenuto marking is somewhat of an accent mark for note length, but to a lesser degree. While a tenuto isn't an outright fermata, it means to put more emphasis on a note.
Tenuto, legato and staccato on the same note
Oct 23, 2023 · The combination of a staccato dot with a tenuto marking would normally indicate the that the chords are to be played portato, with a small gap between them. The slurs clearly contradict this. When faced with contradictory markings in a piece of music the most expedient solution is to simply play whatever makes most musical sense to the performer.
What to do with a tenuto pizzicato note? - Music: Practice
Dec 30, 2024 · The tenuto marking must be a mistake: The note just after the one marked tenuto is on the beat and the crescendo leads until that top note. The phrase is therefore going one note beyond the one marked tenuto. This indicates the b flat should be used to carry the phrase to the c, and speaks against emphasising it with the articulation.
How to notate staccato on notes tied across a barline?
May 29, 2020 · I'm a bit stuck on how I feel it's most appropriate to place staccato in a piece I'm writing. The excerpt below is not from the piece I'm working on -- I just wrote up a phrase to show how this sit...
Ties - is there a distinction between these two notes?
Mar 28, 2020 · The tenuto mark is there to inform the player that the curve connecting the two notes is not a tie but a slur -- a bowing mark. This is two notes to be played without reversing the direction in which the bow is traveling.
So, what does this tenuto mark mean in Bernstein's piano music?
Rit is probably ritenuto, an immediate slowing down, as opposed to rubato, and tenuto means hang on for full note value - or even a touch longer: which makes sense as one will make the other happen.So, the whole bar should come at a slightly slower pace than the preceding bars.
notation - What does ben tenuto il basso mean? - Music: Practice ...
In the second theme of the recapitulation of Beethoven's Pathetique Sonata where the bass line goes into the treble clef and the bass register becomes part of the melody, I see the marking ben tenuto il basso. I tried looking it up last night and couldn't find an answer.
How do you know which note within a chord is the tenuto note?
May 1, 2020 · The tenuto mark is always above or below the chord, but how does one indicate which note within, say, a 3- or 4-note chord should be emphasized? Do you just have to know, or is there a way to notate this? There's a similar question here, but it doesn't address the question of tenuto use specifically.
What do the terms "arco" and "ten." mean? - Music: Practice
Jan 16, 2017 · Arco (which is not an abbreviation) means to return to bowing after pizzicato (abbreviated pizz.) or col legno. Pizzicato means you pluck the strings with your fingers instead of using the bow, col legno using the wooden backside of the bow instead of the hairs. Ten. is short for tenuto which means holding. In Beethoven it probably means you should hold the note for its full length instead of ...