New Home - SPINEA - Excellence in motion
SPINEA brings an exciting new product line with differentiated technology and state-of-the-art manufacturing to Timken. Timken will continue to use the strong "SPINEA" brand and expects Slovakia to remain a major development and manufacturing centre for cycloid gearboxes.
t-series - SPINEA - Excellence in motion
Upon the customer’s request, SPINEA ® is able to supply a completely sealed reduction gear with a flange according to the customer’s motor. Advantages zero backlash reduction gears
Company profile - SPINEA - Excellence in motion
Through intensive development and sales activities, in the course of several years, SPINEA, s.r.o. started to succeed among other manufacturers of high-precision reduction gears. From 2000, when serial production started, the sales volume grew systematically as a result of securing the first major contract from KUKA.
New Home - SPINEA
助力世界探索起源,spinea独特的解决方案帮助cern科学家构建大型强子对撞机 _____ CERN Laboratories 为了同时实现保持工件表面光洁和更高的切割速度,SPINEA用小体积高刚性的减速机改进了yENADENT义齿雕刻机的空间灵活性 ________
New Home - SPINEA - Excellence in motion
Spoločnosť SPINEA prináša spoločnosti Timken nový výnimočný produktový rad prevodoviek s diferencovanou technológiou a najmodernejšou výrobou. Spoločnosť Timken bude naďalej používať silnú značku "SPINEA" a očakáva, že Slovensko zostane hlavným vývojovým a výrobným centrom cykloidných prevodoviek.
twinspin - SPINEA - Excellence in motion
The basic parts of TwinSpin® high precision reduction gear are: . case - incoporates the high capacity, precision radial-axial output bearings integrated in the reduction gear; output sealing - on the output flange side, it prevents internal contamination and lubricant leakage from the reduction gear; flanges - input and output flanges are fixed together by fitted bolts, and rotate at reduced ...
Kontakt - SPINEA - Excellence in motion
Adresa spoločnosti: SPINEA, s.r.o. Ku Magašu 702/3 08001 Haniska, okres Prešov Slovensko
drivespin - SPINEA - Excellence in motion
The actuators of the DriveSpin ® series combine optimized servomotors and TwinSpin gears, resulting in a dynamic, high performance, and very compact servo actuator with high tilting torque capacity with integrated bearing.. The main characteristics of the DriveSpin ® actuators include compact design, zero backlash, high dynamic performance, high torsional and tillting stiffness, …
Harmonic Solutions - SPINEA - Excellence in motion
+421 51 77 00 155 +421 51 77 00 156 (sales) [email protected] www.spinea.com Follow us on Social Networks Read our Personal Data Protection Statement (read how we use cookies ).
Press news - SPINEA - Excellence in motion
Combining the Maxon EC-flat motor with the new TwinSpin® 50 M-series gearbox from SPINEA® resulted in a compact and lightweight actuator (650 g) with excellent efficiency even under part load. Read more »