OpenML is an open platform for sharing datasets, algorithms, and experiments - to learn how to learn better, together.
Introduction - Open Machine Learning
OpenML builds a seamless, open ecosytem of machine learning data, models, and benchmarks - advancing AI openly for the benefit all of humanity. 1000s of data sets , uniformly formatted, easy to load, organized online
OpenML - Machine Learning as a community
Oct 26, 2019 · The primary goal was to help form an acquaintance with the OpenML terminologies, introduce the API, establish connections with the general ML practices, and give a sneak-peek into the potential benefits of working together as a community. For a better understanding of OpenML, please explore the documentation.
OpenML - Open Machine Learning
Welcome to the documentation of the OpenML Python API, a connector to the collaborative machine learning platform OpenML.org. The OpenML Python package allows to use datasets and tasks from OpenML together with scikit-learn and share the results online.
Getting Started - Open Machine Learning - docs.openml.org
If you are using the OpenML API to download datasets, upload results, or create tasks, you will need to authenticate. You can do this by creating an account on the OpenML website and using your API key.
Introduction tutorial & Setup - Open Machine Learning
Oct 25, 2024 · Use the openml CLI tool with openml configure apikey MYKEY, replacing MYKEY with your API key. Create a plain text file ~/.openml/config with the line 'apikey=MYKEY' , replacing MYKEY with your API key.
Overview - Open Machine Learning - docs.openml.org
Integrate OpenML in your libraries. If you want to integrate OpenML into machine learning and data science tools, it's easiest to build on one of the existing clients, which often can be used as is or extended. For instance, see how to extend the Python API …
Home - Open Machine Learning - docs.openml.org
Oct 17, 2024 · Pytorch extension for openml-python API. This library provides a simple way to run your Pytorch models on OpenML tasks. For a more native experience, PyTorch itself provides OpenML integrations for some tasks. You can find more information here. Installation Instructions:¶ pip install openml-pytorch. PyPi link https://pypi.org/project/openml ...
About OpenML | OpenML Blog
OpenML is an open source platform where you can host, review, share, and organize machine learning datasets, algorithms, and experiments through clean and open interfaces. We are a group of machine learning researchers and enthusiasts who believe in making machine learning more streamlined, accessible, and beneficial to all of humanity.
OpenML automatically versions and analyses each dataset and annotates it with rich meta-data to streamline analysis. Easily search thousands of datasets and import them directly into your code or toolboxes, or quickly find similar datasets together with the best machine learning approaches.