577 Perfect NES Archive : r/Roms - Reddit
Jan 8, 2023 · A very special and carefully prepared compilation of worthy nes games including the most obscure ones ...
I made the best NES collection : r/Roms - Reddit
Mar 4, 2023 · Do nes roms work on a snes emulator Reply reply bl00df1redeath • Use ScummVM ...
ROM Symbols and understanding them : r/RetroPie - Reddit
May 3, 2017 · The last GoodTools set of NES games is in the neighborhood of 3,000 ROMs, which by far outnumbers official releases. Generally speaking you want only (U), (JU), (UE) or (JUE). Some games had identical releases in two or all three regions.
List of Safe Rom Sites (Please Stop Asking) : r/Roms - Reddit
In addition, none of their roms are verified, so you may encounter issues created from the scraping of roms, or bad dumps. Use at your own risk. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.
Sharing My "Best Of" Rom Packs : r/Roms - Reddit
There is no real "criteria" here. I didn't go with X roms per system, or the top 100 according to some list. I just tried to get a nice mix of classics and hidden gems based on years of playing retro games, critical scores, and reviewing a bunch of top games and hidden gems lists.
Complete US rom set from A to Z and no Duplicates. : r/Roms
Oct 10, 2021 · 13 votes, 26 comments. true. Its hilarious because people like you come to this subreddit weekly posting/wanting a COMPLETE LIST OF EVERY ROM, when they cant use the search bar and see that the question has been answered many times.
Headered or Headerless NES ROMs? Hakchi2 CE : …
Jul 5, 2018 · NES ROMs need their headers. For everything to work 100% (ROMs, patches, etc.), one should download headered NES ROMs. Reference here. 1a) This applies to both the native emulator and Retroarch (I'm fine with headered ROMs for both). 1b) The patch listed in the Notes section of the NES Mini compatibility Google Drive page assumes Headered ROMs.
31,000+ ROMs - NES/SNES/N64/GB/GBA/Many more! : r/Roms
Sep 9, 2017 · Hey all, Here's my personal ROM collection with thousands of original ROM files from varying packs. Site is a open directory and completely ad-free.
NES / Famicom (Translated) RPG Pack : r/Roms - Reddit
133 votes, 28 comments. I created a pack of NES / Famicom roms that contain a majority of the RPGs released for the system.
Bulk downloads : r/Roms - Reddit
Feb 19, 2022 · I ask because I’m trying to bulk download roms myself. Reply reply ... But to start, nes, snes, genesis ...