MiG-19: A Great Plane at an Unfortunate BR - War Thunder
Mar 28, 2024 · I want to talk about the MiG-19. The 3 variants, the Soviet MiG-19PT, the German MiG-19S, and the Chinese J-6A are placed at the BR rating of 9.3. The Soviet and the Chinese offer a 10G heat seeker missile, and the German offers an extra gun, with improved maneuverability. When you are top in the lobby, you are a formidable aircraft. These MiGs …
Hungarian MIG-19 - Aircraft - War Thunder — official forum
Apr 28, 2024 · Először hangsebesség felett: a MiG-19 története és hazai alkalmazása. A nagy magasságban és nagy sebességgel repülő ellenséges bombázó- és felderítőgépek elleni hatékony védekezés érdekében az ötvenes évek legelején a Mikojan-Gurevics tervezőiroda megbízást kapott a később MiG-19 néven ismertté vált szuperszonikus...
Get the F-104, MiG-19 and A-4N Ayit out of early cold war era …
Apr 22, 2024 · MiG-15 and F-86 first flew in 1947 while the 19 and 104 had theirs around 7 years later. You know exactly what I mean by early cold war yet you choose to get caught up on this. Still don’t discredit an aircraft just due to its cumbersome nature as as Yak-38 will still obliterate any aircraft with its R-60 or heh equipped with further GSh-23’s.
America should get other Nations vehicles like the MiG-15 bis, …
Jan 10, 2024 · Not saying make them 11.3, but still. Somewhere between 5.0 and 8.3, you could EASILY fit a couple captured tanks. Maybe a Tiger 1 of some sort, or a T-34. As for the jets, I think the early MiGs like the MiG-15, 17 and 19 wouldn’t be a bad idea. Maybe the MiG-21, but not a late model.
Get the F-104, MiG-19 and A-4N Ayit out of early cold war era …
Apr 20, 2024 · The Mig-19 doesn’t even have that much speed. It can’t break mach 1 below 2000m. It is equal to an F-5c performance wise, but it lacks everything you’d expect a 10.3 jet to have. The F-4C is a phantom, and has missiles. The F-105 is very fast and has good payload.
The F-5C at 11.0 is completely unfair - Aircraft - War Thunder
Jul 23, 2024 · The MiG-19 is definitely the strongest suited to fight the F-5C, because of its better TWR, acceleration and energy retention, but again, you’re flareless, you can’t actually break Mach at sea-level, the guns are harder to use on it, and (if you have missiles) are inferior to the F-5C’s.
Does this game intend for 9.3 Air/terrain to be playable?
Sep 20, 2024 · Playing mig 19 nowadays is a real hell. ALL games minimum 10.0. I understand that this predatory system pushes people to spend money. It does the opposite for me. I was going to buy something at the anniversary sale but I don’t think I will. They have the game BROKEN on many BR’s,
Mig 19S performance compared to Mig 19PT - War Thunder
Apr 23, 2024 · The stock stat card for the Mig 19S says it has a turn time of 24.7 seconds. The stock stat card for the Mig 19PT says it has a turn time of 32.9 seconds. Externally these two planes look almost identical, the Mig 19S has a 3rd cannon and slightly more powerful engines but can it really turn so much better than the Mig 19 PT?
9.3-10.3 is one of the most unfair Br ranges of all - War Thunder
Aug 21, 2024 · 9.3-10.3 is one of the most unfair Br ranges of all, let me explain. Planes like the mig-19, which are good at their BR, become useless every time they are uptiered. Not only do they have to deal with better platforms but also with much more advanced missiles like the matra magic 1 or aim 9 D, against which the only resource these 9.3 planes have, which is to dodge …
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - War Thunder - Official Forum
Nov 19, 2023 · The MiG-29 has an AoA limitation of around 60 degrees attainment in sudden pitch-up conditions. The Su-27’s limit is around ~90 degrees. In both cases, the nose attitude in relation to the ground exceeds the actual true AoA.