Which is the best 1/48 MiG-15? - ARC Discussion Forums
May 24, 2016 · I was wondering, which, out of all the 1/48 MiG-15 kits is the most accurate in outline. I have one of the Tamiya kits from a long ago, but remember reading of some issues with the kit. Which kit is better? (Please, dont say Trumpeter, or Ill shoot myself.):bandhead2:/
Eduard MiG-15 and MiG-15 bis in 72nd - ARC Discussion Forums
Sep 30, 2012 · Good day to everyone, Just back from the E-Day in Prague and it was a fantastic affair. I was lucky to get a copy of the new Eduard MiG-15 in the limited edition Dual Combo version minutes after the show opened on Friday morning. According to my information (facebook) there were just 116 pieces o...
BRONCO (HOBBY 2000) MIG-15 Bis 1/48 - ARC Discussion Forums
Nov 12, 2021 · Greetings Just finished the third consecutive Tamiya kits in a row and now it is time to step into the other manufacturers. I am building the newest release of the Mig-15 in 1/48 scale. This is a simplified kit of the Trumpeter aimed at collectors rather than modelers. This kit is in a special bo...
Best 1/48 MiG-15, MiG-17 or MiG-19? - ARC Discussion Forums
Nov 24, 2019 · Hi All, I have always liked the early jet fighters, and I just LOVE the F-86! However, I like the MiG jets of that era as well, and it seems to me that there havent been very good quality versions in any scale of the MiG-15, 17 or 19, but given that my scale of choice in airplanes is 1/48, there ...
Best 1/72 MiG-15 - Jet Modeling - ARC Discussion Forums
Nov 30, 2014 · This is for all of you 1/72 scale Russian aircraft modelers out there..... There are a few MiG-15 kits out there, including the new Eduard kits and I would like to see what the general consensus is on these kits. I have decided to start a general …
MiG-15 air brakes - Jet Modeling - ARC Discussion Forums
Aug 22, 2011 · The original small one (area of around .5 m 2) used on the early MiG-15, Polish LIM-1 and the Russian made UTI MiG-15 two seaters. Then there is the increased airbrake (area somewhere around .8 m 2) used on MiG-15 bis, LIM-2 and the Polish remade SBLim two seaters (some where converted from Lim-1s and retained the small airbrakes).
MiG-15 cockpit color - Jet Modeling - ARC Discussion Forums
May 31, 2016 · Hey all, What would be the "appropriate" color for the cockpit of a MiG-15? Building the Trumpeter kit at the moment and they call for a 'blue pearl' color. Some seem to think the cockpit was something like aircraft grey so I'm not sure which one I should go for. If I need this 'blue pearl' color, which paint line offers this in acrylic form? Thanks! Rob
Cool colour schemes for a Mig 15 bis - ARC Discussion Forums
Jan 13, 2009 · Hi y´all! The title says it all really. Many Mig 15 builds are NMF and that is fine but somewhat boring. I would love to get some suggestions for camo´ed birds. So if you like, drop me a suggestion. Cheers! Your pal, Emil
Eduard MiG-21F, MiG-21UM & MiG-15 in 48th scale - ARC …
Apr 26, 2019 · The upscale of the MiG-15 to 48th is also in the plans. So this could be a good news for you. Actually he has been saying this for years now. The real NEWS with all capital letters was the mention of the MiG-21F-13 and the twoseater trainers. As to the MiG-19 it is a strange question and one that was asked of him by many other, mainly local ...
Correct tail for MiG-15 in 48 scale - Jet Modeling - ARC Discussion …
May 20, 2014 · Hello mates! This is what I did for my modelling needs - a correct MiG-15 bis tail for the Trumpeter kit. The kit was designed with the 4+ publication drawings which are not correct and as result the leading edges angle of the fin is off. I used the drawings from the Russian modelling Magazine M-...