Konsole | Konsole: the KDE Terminal Emulator
Some of Konsole's new features in 20.08 release. Konsole is also integrated into multiple other KDE Applications making it easier to reach and more convenient. For example, KDevelop, Kate and Dolphin all use Konsole as an integrated terminal emulator.
Download - Konsole
You can find Konsole latest stable release among the tarballs from the latest KDE applications release. If you want to build Konsole from source, we recommend checking out our Getting Involved page, which contains links to a full guide how to compile Konsole yourself.
Konsole - Wikipedia
Konsole is a free and open-source terminal emulator graphical application which is part of KDE Applications and ships with the KDE desktop environment. Konsole was originally written by Lars Doelle. [2] It ls licensed under the GPL-2.0-or-later [3] …
How to Customize Konsole, the Default KDE Terminal Emulator
Jun 6, 2022 · Plus, if you use one of the many KDE-based Linux distributions, then Konsole is a natural choice. This guide will showcase the features that make Konsole powerful and teach you how to adapt them to your needs.
How to Install and Use Konsole Terminal Emulator in Linux
Jul 24, 2023 · The Konsole KDE emulator is for Linux users that want to enjoy the benefits of the Linux terminal environment without the associated complexities that limit their navigation and command usage flexibility. It is a Linux command line environment with a …
Konsole - KDE Applications
Konsole is a terminal to run a command shell. It provides a command line interface for directly controlling your computer. Features: Tabs; Multiple profiles; Silence and Activity monitoring; Bookmark support; Searching; Saving output
KDE/konsole: Terminal emulator by KDE - GitHub
Konsole is a terminal program for KDE. As well as being a standalone program, it is also used by other KDE programs such as the Kate editor and KDevelop development environment to provide easy access to a terminal window.
13 Tips and Tweaks to Get More Out of KDE Konsole Terminal
Aug 27, 2024 · KDE Plasma desktop comes with Konsole as the default terminal emulator. It may seem like just another terminal application, but like KDE itself, Konsole is also highly customizable. With the correct set of configurations, you can make Konsole the most beautiful and functional terminal ever.
The Konsole Handbook - KDE
Konsole Dialogs Configure Tab Settings Dialog Copy Input Dialog Adjust Scrollback Dialog 3. Command-line Options 4. Scripting Konsole 5. Terminal Key Bindings How Konsole Uses Key Bindings Introduction Key Combinations and Modes The Output Field Other System Resources Further Reading 6. Using Style Sheet for the Tab Bar 7. Did You Know?, Common ...
Utilities / Konsole - GitLab
Terminal emulator by KDE