Lockheed Martin KC-130 - Wikipedia
The Lockheed Martin (previously Lockheed) KC-130 is a family of the extended-range tanker version of the C-130 Hercules transport aircraft. The KC-130J is the latest variant operated by the United States Marine Corps (USMC), with 48 delivered out of 79 ordered.
KC-130J Tanker - Lockheed Martin
The KC-130J is the global leader in aerial refueling for tactical and tiltrotor aircraft and helicopters. The KC-130Js assigned to U.S. Marine Corps units have more than 20,000 hours of flight in Iraq. The KC-130J is battle-tested and delivers capabilities that …
KC-130加油机 - 百度百科
KC-130加油机是美国洛克希德·马丁公司在C-130运输机基础上发展起来的 空中加油机。 KC-130采用软管—浮锚式加油系统。 2021年6月2日美国“防务简报”网站消息,美国内华达山脉公司获得美国海军航空系统司令部(NAVAIR)价值160万美元的合同,为美国海军陆战队的两架KC-130J加油机集成增强版的HAWK武器套件原型 [1]。 发展沿革. KC-130加油机采用软管—浮锚式加油系统。 其优点是一架大型加油机上可装置数套加油设备,可以同时给几架战机加油。 KC …
C/KC-130 Hercules / Super Hercules - NAVAIR
The U.S. Marine Corps KC-130J Super Hercules aircraft supports U.S. Marine Corps expeditionary operations by providing tactical aerial refueling for fixed-wing, rotary-wing and tilt-rotor...
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The KC-130J Super Hercules is a multi-mission medium lift fixed wing tactical aircraft providing long-range, land-based tactical and logistic support to fleet operating forces. The...
如何评价KC-130F飞机? - 知乎
KC-130F飞机是由洛克希德·马丁公司研制的C-130大力神运输机的改进型,主要用于空中加油任务。 以下是对KC-130F飞机的评价: 1. 多功能性:KC-130F不仅能够执行空中加油任务,还经常承担运输和疏散等任务,显示了其多功能性。
Lockheed Martin KC-130 Hercules / Super Hercules - Military Factory
Jul 31, 2020 · The Lockheed KC-130 Hercules is a combination tanker-transport aircraft based on the hugely successful like of high-wing C-130 Hercules transports. The KC-130 is a tactically-minded unit with an inter-theater reach developed to refuel and resupply forward-operating bases near the operational fronts.
C-130運輸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
C-130C是 美國空軍 用於附面層的 試驗機,以YT56-A-6涡轮螺桨為发动机,令起飛距離縮短至1700公尺及著陸所需距離縮至1900公尺。 C-130C的原型機於1960年2月首飛,用於科研層面,如大角度著陸測試等,後來計劃取消。 C-130D,是C-130A的改進型,可由助推火箭辅助起飞,主要用於極地運輸,共制造了12架 [5],且 起落架 改為机轮滑橇式。 C-130D為達至 長途飛行,增加兩個外掛各為1705 公升 的 副油箱,並在 機艙 內增添兩個各1890公升的副油箱。 1961年後進 …
KC-130 - Military Aircraft
The KC-130 is a multi-role, multi-mission tactical tanker/transport which provides the support required by Marine Air Ground Task Forces. This versatile asset provides in-flight refueling to both tactical aircraft and helicopters as well as rapid ground refueling when required.
KC-130 - GlobalSecurity.org
Jul 7, 2011 · The KC-130 is a multi-role, multi-mission tactical tanker/transport which provides the support required by Marine Air Ground Task Forces. This versatile asset provides in-flight...