Chasme - 5etools
A chasme has a 30 percent chance of summoning one chasme. A summoned demon appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of its summoner, acts as an ally of its summoner, and can't summon other demons.
Chasme - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Chasmes were horrid and disgusting hybrids of flies and humans who sucked blood and enjoyed tormenting and torturing their victims. The droning of their wings could lull to sleep an unwary being, who might awake to find themselves being fed upon and tortured.
Chasme - DnD content - Wikidot
Chasme. This loathsome demon resembles an unspeakable crossing of humanoid and fly. A chasme shuffles about on four spindly legs that can find purchase on walls and ceilings. A droning sound precedes the approach of a chasme, inflicting …
Chasme DnD 5e: Stat Block, Guide (Plus Suggested Encounters!)
Jan 28, 2022 · What Is a Chasme? A chasme is a category 2 demon that resembles a giant fly with some humanoid characteristics. These foul creatures are sadistic beings that live to torture others, be that a traitorous demon or a wandering adventurer.
Chasme - Search - D&D Beyond
Chasme Demon of Betrayal and Sycophancy Habitat: Planar (Abyss); Treasure: Relics Flying forth from the Abyss, chasmes resemble horse-size flies. They incapacitate foes by producing a mind-numbing. droning, then use their proboscises to drain victims of life.
Chasme - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
The chasme are abominable crosses between human and fly: the body of a giant fly with unnatural human arms in place of forelegs and a vaguely human head. Their mouths are tiny, but their sharp, horn-like noses can bite and draw blood.
Chasme | D&D 2024 | Roll20 Compendium
Chasme is one of the Monsters in D&D 2024. Learn about Chasme actions, hit points, and more on Roll20.