CRF230F Dualsport Conversion Successful - All Mods Detailed
Jan 1, 2009 · In 2011 I bought a new left-over 2009 Honda CRF230F. I fell in love with this bike. In my mind it's the best all-around trail bike available. Taking cost, cost of ownership, ease of mods, dependability, and fun factor into account. I rode …
The Ultimate CRF230L Build | Adventure Rider
Aug 26, 2014 · Ideas? 1) The effects of different weights of oil in the front forks and how to change it. 2) Tires: a) largest, widest size that fit for dirt/trails
crf230f model year changes | Adventure Rider
Jun 7, 2017 · crf230f model year changes. Discussion in 'Thumpers' started by bradrh, Jun 7, 2017. bradrh, Jun 7 ...
CRF230F Tuning and Servicing - Any Help? | Adventure Rider
Oct 29, 2012 · CRF230F Tuning and Servicing - Any Help? Discussion in 'Thumpers' started by Adv Grifter, Mar 29, 2012 ...
Honda CRF230F - Street Legal Dualsport? - Adventure Rider
Jan 3, 2006 · But, I have a fine little bike sitting in my garage at this moment; a Honda CRF230F, electric start trail bike. We've had alot of fun on this bike as it is a good size for myself (5'8", 180 lbs) and my teenage sons. Our local off-road area disappeared and time & money restricts us in traveling all the time just to ride dirt bikes.
My CRF230F Build Thread - Adventure Rider
Aug 12, 2015 · Thanks for all the videos. Really makes me happy to work on my wife's CRF230F. I have started with a bone stock 2014. So far I have put in a custom top triple clamp to accommodate Highway Dirt Bikes Rallye Lite DS kit. This includes the Scott under bar mount. I really like the stuff Paul puts out at Highway Dirt Bikes (HDB).
'09 CRF230F - Jetting question - Adventure Rider
Jan 1, 2009 · "Honda Part# = 16012-KPS-921, CRF230F Full Power Needle Honda Part # = 99113-GHB-1320, #132 Main Jet" - 2003 Honda Bulletin That's easy enough but I am finding varying results with using the stock #42 pilot jet versus a #45? Also some people (crfsonly.com) also recommend a #135 main jet instead of #132.
Honda Crf230f love' em? hate' em? - Adventure Rider
Nov 3, 2010 · My friend bought a 2003 crf230 and it seems like a really nice bike, it looks a lot bigger than I expected. Looks like it is in very good condition
CRF230F vs XR250 - Adventure Rider
Jul 5, 2013 · 1. crf230F has the better geometry frame, Modern feel compared to the XR. 2. CRF230F make a ton more low end than the XR250R 3. Uncorked CRF230 feels stronger than than the XR250R, and most likely is! 1. XR250R bike of choice for guys over (5' 10") five foot ten inches. 2.XR250R has more top in power. 3. Stock for stock XR comes better suspended.
CRF230F: blocked oilway to the head.... - Adventure Rider
Jan 9, 2004 · My girlfriend bought an '04 CRF230F in June, she's only ridden it 3-4 times and it got steadily noisier and lost power. I took the engine out Sunday lunchtime and found a distinct lack of lubrication to the head, resulting in a bit of "wear" …