Wiz: #1 Cloud Security Software for Modern Cloud Protection
Wiz is the unified cloud security platform with prevention and response capabilities, enabling security and development teams to build faster and more securely.
About Wiz | Wiz - Cool
" Siloed security tools and scanners — even best in class — simply can't provide the perspective that today's security professionals need. Securing resources in the cloud requires a fundamentally new approach. Wiz gives security teams the insights they need to mitigate risks and unlock innovation across their business. " Assaf Rappaport Wiz CEO
Train your team | Wiz
Complete all security courses? Ready to master the Wiz platform? Join our comprehensive training program to accelerate your cloud security journey and maximize your use of the Wiz platform. Access now
Wiz cloud security platform | Wiz
The Wiz Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) empowers Development, Security, and Operations teams to secure everything they build and run in the cloud.
Wiz Code: Secure Cloud Development | Wiz - Cool
Wiz code-to-cloud mapping traces risks in cloud environments back to the source code. Empower your dev and security teams with one-click fix suggestions directly within the source code.
Wiz: #1 Cloud-Sicherheitssoftware für modernen Cloud-Schutz
Wiz ist die einheitliche Cloud-Sicherheitsplattform mit Präventions- und Reaktionsfunktionen, die es Sicherheits- und Entwicklungsteams ermöglicht, schneller und sicherer zu arbeiten.
Wiz : Logiciel de sécurité cloud #1 pour une protection ... - Cool
Wiz est la plate-forme de sécurité cloud unifiée avec des capacités de prévention et de réponse, permettant aux équipes de sécurité et de développement de construire plus rapidement et de manière plus sécurisée.
Start your free trial of Wiz | Wiz - Cool
Request a free trial to get unlimited access to everything Wiz has to offer. Don't wait any longer to see why we're the #1 rated cloud security platform.
Customers | Wiz - Cool
“Wiz provides a single pane of glass to see what is going on in our cloud environments.”
Wiz: #1 Software de seguridad en la nube para la protección …
Wiz mide el riesgo a lo largo de múltiples dimensiones: vulnerabilidades, configuraciones erróneas, secretos de texto claro, exposición a Internet, y las vulnerabilidades disponibles de script-kiddie para ayudarle a cero en los elementos más importantes para resolver inmediatamente.