adjectives - What is the comparative form of "tense"? - English ...
Oct 1, 2017 · In the case of the adjective "tense" there may well be a psychological factor involved in choosing "more tense" over "tenser". That factor may well be the desire to be understood. Compared to "tenser", "more tense" is fairly straightforward and easy to understand. In the minds of English speakers, "tenser" may seem easy to misunderstand.
Tenser's Transformation and Otherworldly Form: A Comparison
Mar 30, 2020 · Tenser's Transformation, on the other hand, has lots of offensive assistance. Advantage on all weapon attacks is almost always better than the +2 we get from Otherworldly Form, weapon proficiency means we can carry around a Greatsword for when we decide to cast it, and getting 2d12 extra force damage per hit is incredible. A dual-wielding ...
How fast does Tenser’s Floating Disc move to catch up to the caster?
Apr 5, 2018 · So, in the same way that all of the "normal" movements mentioned above are instantaneous, Tenser's Floating Disc also moves instantaneously as soon as an obstacle is removed. And like the above movements, this doesn't mean that the disc literally moves at an infinite speed, just that mechanically speaking, the movement happens all in one "step".
What counts as ground for Tenser's Floating Disk?
Nov 25, 2013 · Presumably, the Planeshaper could create a tile of ground mid-air, cast the Tenser's Floating Disk ritual, and continue to create a "path" mid-air and have the Disk follow behind. Ground has no limit to its load-bearing properties. Another possible way to think about ground is that it is a surface that can support infinite weight.
Quick Analysis: Tenser's Transformation vs. Tasha's ... - Reddit
Jun 25, 2021 · Tenser's Transformation. Pros: Gain a huge buffer of health. Gain a massive buff to weapon attacks (gaining both Extra Attack and 2d12 damage a hit) Proficiency and Advantage makes up for dump stat in most situations. If quick, may last more than one encounter. Concentration is easy to maintain thanks to proficiency. Cons:
Opinions on Tenser's Transformation : r/baldursgate - Reddit
Nov 16, 2016 · Opinions on Tenser's Transformation Wizards are supposed to be scrawny and bad at melee. Yet with one spell, they can render themselves equal to fighters in all ways except number of attacks and equipment selection - the later of which can be negated by casting black blade of disaster +stoneskin prior to Tenser's.
I feel like Tenser's Transformation is a trap spell for ... - Reddit
Remember Tenser's Transformation is available at level 11, where your Proficiency Bonus is still just +4. Your Bladesinger won't take Warcaster anyway since your Bladesong already gives advantage on Concentration saves, but if you are the kind of Wizard that WOULD take Tenser's Transformation, you probably did take Warcaster by now.
dnd 5e 2014 - How do I fight with Heavy Armor as a Wizard with …
Feb 22, 2019 · Tenser's Transformation takes 1 action to cast, which implies that this is a start of combat spell. However, it would take 10 combat rounds to don the weakest form of armor, Light, which is unacceptable for a real combat situation - most combats are over in 3-4 rounds.
Tenser's floating disk cannot move across liquid. - Role-playing …
Sep 3, 2018 · The plane of force created by Tenser's floating disk. floats 3 feet above the ground [..] It can move across uneven terrain, up or down stairs, slopes and the like. (PHB 282) Does a liquid surface count as "ground"? Can the disk follow a wizard making use of water walk? Is ice ground? Is snow ground? Copious amounts of jelly?
Tenser's Transformation or Tasha's Otherworldly Guise? : r/3d6
May 21, 2023 · Tenser's works better on top of a martial build (such as a Valour Bard CBE archer who can make 3 sharpshooter/archery fighting style attacks per turn). TWF Bladesingers are another great idea. Tasha's works better in general (almost no spells grant damage/condition immunities, and being able to totally ignore an enemy Paladin or Necromancer ...