SliTaz GNU/Linux (en)
Welcome to SliTaz SliTaz is a secure and high performance operating system using the Linux Kernel and GNU software.
SliTaz - Downloads
This part of the site allows you to download a free copy of the SliTaz GNU/Linux LiveCD or to get utilities and tools source code. To start using the LiveCD ISO image you can refer to the English online documentation.
SliTaz GNU/Linux 中文网站
SliTaz GNU/Linux 3.0操作系统即将发布。 SliTaz 3.0保留了简单、小巧 快速、强大、容易定制的特性,还提供了功能强大的桌面支持, 默认采用Xorg 7.4, Openbox, LXDE组件和自制工具。
SliTaz (cn) - Download
提供给开发版的,包含所有软件包的可启动DVD镜像每天都会创建。 它也包含SliTaz官方网站的副本, 在无网络的情况下可以通过install.sh使用。 这个镜像可以安装到USB设备中,不过会格式化U盘。
SliTaz - About the project
SliTaz GNU/Linux is a free operating system working completely in memory from removable media such as a CD-ROM or USB key. It is light, speedy and fully installable on a hard drive.
en:guides:start [SliTaz Doc]
Sep 23, 2020 · The SliTaz GNU/Linux quick start and complete guides by the community. You will find here specific guides to software, hardware or system configurations written by SliTaz users and contributors.
SliTaz GNU/Linux (pt)
SliTaz is now a rolling distro with 2 branches We provide a stable version and a cooking (development) version. Stable will get small refinements and security updates.
en:start [SliTaz Doc]
Feb 24, 2018 · It will help you get started with SliTaz GNU/Linux and show you how to configure the system to your own needs and preferences. This is the documentation that we advise you to read, learn and consult first.
SliTaz Forum
The SliTaz Forum is the place where you can get support, ask any questions about SliTaz, make requests, help others and get involved in a community group.
en:guides:liveusb [SliTaz Doc]
Feb 1, 2017 · In Slitaz 4.0 the rootfs file is divided into 4 parts which is a problem with tazusb.exe and UNetbootin. For SliTaz to work with tazusb.exe and Unetbootin you must download the core flavor of SliTaz consisting of a single file rootfs.