QBZ-03 Assault Rifle | Sino Defence Forum - China Military Forum
Apr 28, 2010 · The conventionally designed QBZ-03 (Type 03) is very hard to find out about. This is probably due to it's role as a supplementary rifle for the PLA after the standard bullpup standby for more than ten years - the QBZ 95 (Type 95).
QBZ-191 service rifle family | Page 121 - Sino Defence Forum
Mar 29, 2019 · There are more similarities between qbz 03 and qbz 191 as far as I can tell… with the qbz 03, China was already moving towards a AR style upper and lower in an AK pattern but with a short stroke piston…
Type 03/ QBZ-03 assault rifle | Sino Defence Forum - China …
Jun 13, 2008 · As mentioned in the Type 95 thread, the Type 03 assault rifle appears to be in limited service with the People's Armed Police (PAP). Are there any more news about the Type 03 in service? Also, are there any information about a squad automatic weapon or carbine version of the rifle? The PAP...
QBZ-191 service rifle family | Page 12 - Sino Defence Forum
Mar 29, 2019 · That is to say; the QBZ-03 was preceded by the QBZ-95. The QBZ-95 was a rifle with a different configuration but otherwise similar lack of ergonomic and lack of modular features. We also had evidence of the QBZ-95 being widely adopted already by the time QBZ-03 started being introduced. This new service rifle has no preceding "QBZ-95 equivalent".
Type 03/ QBZ-03 assault rifle | Page 2 | Sino Defence Forum
Jun 13, 2008 · I am not sure about the accuracy of the PSG-1, but the SVD is widely considered as a Designated Marksman Rifle, meaning that it performs at it's best at ranges under 500yds. Not saying that it won't perform at longer ranges, just that it depends on the shooter and the type of ammo the sniper is...
QBZ-191 service rifle family | Page 375 - Sino Defence Forum
Mar 29, 2019 · Also, QBZ-95 and QBZ-03 was designed before the advent of Pic rails and quick detach optics, and so iron sight was designed as the primary sighting device and optic-mounting was more of an afterthought, whereas QBZ-191 is clearly designed with mounting optics in mind.
QBZ-03 Assault Rifle | Page 2 | Sino Defence Forum - China …
Apr 27, 2010 · I don't think Type 95 is a good rifle for left handed people. It would require a certain accessories attached to the cartrige dispenser area to block the spent cartrige from spitting onto the face of the left hand firer. I know how that suck, because when I …
QBZ-03 Assault Rifle | Page 3 | Sino Defence Forum - China …
Apr 27, 2010 · too bad they discontinued with type-81, it's only Chinese AR that seen battleground in Vietnam although remake into type-03 no body know it's performance in real conflict. Too bad to they gave up Soviet 7.62mm, this type of round is everywhere, and China ever use and make it so logistic is not...
QBZ-191 service rifle family | Page 7 - Sino Defence Forum
Mar 29, 2019 · Ah I see what you mean. I believe the assertion that CS/LR17 not being adopted for PLA service in 5.8mm was from this picture, which was from a year and a half ago. The picture here shows a rendition of what I suspect is CS/LR17 between the version we saw at Zhuhai 2016 and the one we saw in...
QBZ-03 Assault Rifle | Page 4 | Sino Defence Forum - China …
Apr 27, 2010 · the type of conflict being faught also dictated nva arms. insergents cannot depend on long logisics lines, As US forces are very adapt at cutting them.