Proverbs 22 NIV - A good name is more desirable than - Bible …
A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold. Rich and poor have this in common: The LORD is the Maker of them all. The prudent see …
Proverbs 22 KJV - A GOOD name is rather to be chosen than
22 A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold. 2 The rich and poor meet together: the Lord is the maker of them all. 3 A prudent man …
Proverbs 22 NKJV - The Value of a Good Name - Bible Gateway
The Value of a Good Name - A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, Loving favor rather than silver and gold. The rich and the poor have this in common, The Lord is the maker …
Proverbs 22 ESV - A good name is to be chosen rather than - Bible …
Proverbs 22:4 Or The reward for humility is the fear of the Lord, riches and honor and life; Proverbs 22:9 Hebrew good; Proverbs 22:14 Hebrew strange
Proverbs 22 NLT - Choose a good reputation over great - Bible …
22 Don’t rob the poor just because you can, or exploit the needy in court. 23 For the Lord is their defender. He will ruin anyone who ruins them.
Proverbs 22 EASY;NIV - It is better to receive honour from - Bible …
22 It is better to receive honour from people than to be very rich. If people respect you, that is better than silver or gold. 2 This is true about rich people and poor people: The Lord created …
Proverbs 22 ISV - Advice for Everyday Life - A good - Bible Gateway
22 Don’t rob the poor person because he is poor, and don’t crush the helpless in court, 23 for the Lord will plead their case and ruin the lives of those who ruin them.
Proverbs 22 NLT;NIV - Choose a good reputation over great
Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold. The rich and poor have this in common: The LORD made them both. A prudent person …
Proverbs 22,Psalm 38-41 ESV;KJV - A good name is to be chosen …
Proverbs 22:4 Or The reward for humility is the fear of the Lord, riches and honor and life; Proverbs 22:9 Hebrew good; Proverbs 22:14 Hebrew strange
Proverbs 22 NIV;ESV - A good name is more desirable than - Bible …
Proverbs 22:4 Or The reward for humility is the fear of the Lord, riches and honor and life; Proverbs 22:9 Hebrew good; Proverbs 22:14 Hebrew strange