Père Noël - Wikipedia
Père Noël (French pronunciation: [pɛʁ nɔ.ɛl]), "Father Christmas", sometimes called 'Papa Noël' ("Dad Christmas"), is a legendary gift-bringer at Christmas in France and other French-speaking areas, identified with the Father Christmas and/or Santa Claus of English-speaking territories.
Papai Noel – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Papai Noel (português brasileiro) ou Pai Natal (português europeu), também conhecido como São Nicolau, Kris Kringle ou Santa Claus, é um personagem lendário originário da cultura cristã ocidental que acredita-se trazer presentes para as crianças durante a noite na véspera de Natal de brinquedos e doces, ou carvão ou nada, dependendo ...
Santa Claus - Wikipedia
Santa Claus is known as de Kerstman in Dutch ("the Christmas man") and Père Noël ("Father Christmas") in French.
Papá Noel or Father Christmas: This is what Santa is called ... - AS …
Dec 24, 2024 · Sinterklaas, Santa-Kurosu, Santi Clo, Colacho, Djed Mraz, El Viejito Pascuero... These are the names of Santa Claus all over the world. While Christmas isn’t celebrated everywhere, through popular...
Papa Noel: The Brazilian Santa Claus - travelweeksaopaulo.com
In Brazil, Santa Claus is known as Papa Noel. He typically arrives on Christmas Eve , December 24, in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. But sometimes he arrives by helicopter, boat, or even on foot.
Quem foi São Nicolau e por que ele inspirou a criação do Papai Noel ...
Conheça quem foi São Nicolau e por que, de certa forma, a criação do Papai Noel se originou desse santo – que é celebrado em 6 de dezembro, data instituída pelo Vaticano, como relata o próprio site Vatican News.
Père Noël: Santa Claus in France, Origin and History - Malevus
Dec 8, 2023 · Père Noël, also known as Father Christmas, is a Christmas folkloric character in France and other French-speaking countries who distributes gifts to children on Christmas Eve.
Papai Noel | Dartmouth Folklore Archive
Nov 18, 2017 · Her Christmas legend is stolen from the French “Pere Noel” and is Papai Noel. In Brazil they also decorate with snowflakes all over even though there is no snow. There is also a tradition of having large extended family gatherings (greater than 50 people)
Christmas traditions: How Brazilians celebrate - Aventura do Brasil
Dec 20, 2021 · Affectionately called papai noel by Brazilians, he either climbs up a ladder and enters homes through an open window or comes down the chimney. He is dressed in the same red as in Europe and the US and rides on a sled pulled by elks from Greenland.
Papa Noël | Southern Louisiana Christmas Traditions
Nov 4, 2024 · Learn more about Papa Noël, the Southern Louisiana Santa Clause. Read books from the Lafayette Library or visit the Old Time Family Christmas Day and meet him.