Pamunkey Indian Tribe | Pamunkey Indian Tribe
The Pamunkey Indian Tribe is one of the most prominent Indian tribes to first meet Europeans on the East Coast of North America. This status is due in part to the prominence of Pamunkey Indians, especially Powhatan and Pocahontas, whose activities were integral to American history.
Museum & Cultural Center | Pamunkey Indian Tribe
The Pamunkey Indian Museum and Cultural Center is a tribal museum located on the Pamunkey Indian Reservation. The museum focuses on the Pamunkey Indian Tribe’s history and way of life from 12,000 years ago through to the present.
Reservation | Pamunkey Indian Tribe
The Pamunkey Indian Reservation (Reservation), established in 1646, is perhaps the oldest inhabited Indian reservation in North America. The Reservation is approximately 1,600 acres in size and located in King William County on the border with New Kent County.
Cultural Resources | Pamunkey Indian Tribe
To perpetuate Pamunkey Indian Tribe heritage through sharing knowledge of the Tribe’s history and culture for present and future generations through access, education, service, and stewardship.
Tribal Government | Pamunkey Indian Tribe
The Pamunkey Indian Tribal Government is comprised of one Chief and seven council members, all of whom are elected by the voting citizens of the Tribe. The Assistant Chief is selected by the elected council members.
Natural Resources | Pamunkey Indian Tribe
The Pamunkey Indians have depended on fishing, hunting, trapping and gardening for hundreds of years for our subsistence. One of the main staples of our diet for the past one hundred and fifty years has been fish, specifically shad and herring.
Gallery | Pamunkey Indian Tribe
Pamunkey Tribe - Historic Photos. Pamunkey Museum & Cultural Center. Pottery & Guild. Fish Hatchery. NOAA Sturgeon Grant Project Field Work. 1; 2; Next › ...
FAQs | Pamunkey Indian Tribe
What does the Pamunkey Indian Tribal Office do? The Tribal Office handles the day-to-day activities that are related to Procurement, Human Resources, record keeping and billing, physical distribution of notices, and enrollment.
Enrollment Office | Pamunkey Indian Tribe
The Pamunkey Indian Tribal Enrollment Office provides the following services: Enrollment application processing (not decision making, which is done by Tribal Council) Issuance of Tribal Identification Cards to enrolled citizens
Housing | Pamunkey Indian Tribe
The Pamunkey Indian Tribe Housing Program mission is to assist eligible tribal citizens and their families in the acquisition and maintaining of affordable housing. Disclosure: The descriptions are summaries and do not include all the details of the programs.