Maeglin - Tolkien Gateway
Dec 19, 2024 · Maeglin means "Sharp Glance" in Sindarin, a name which he received from his father when he was twelve. It is formed by the union of maeg ("sharp, piercing, "penetrating") and glîn ("gleam, glint (of eyes)").
Maeglin | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
Maeglin was an Elf, the son of Eöl the "Dark Elf" and Aredhel, daughter of Fingolfin. He lived during the First Age of the Sun in Middle-earth, and was a lord of the hidden Elven kingdom of Gondolin.
Maëglin and the Cycle of Abuse : r/tolkienfans - Reddit
Mar 28, 2023 · Maeglin is undoubtedly one of the most hated characters in any of Tolkien's works, more so than the main villains themselves. Maeglin is an evil character, yet an evil not fruitless. The aim of this post, is to analyse Maeglin's abusive childhood and how this left a long lasting effect on him, which is reflected in his actions.
Maeglin (chapter) - Tolkien Gateway
Aug 23, 2024 · Maeglin is a chapter in the book The War of the Jewels, eleventh of The History of Middle-earth series. In this chapter, Christopher Tolkien describes how his father wrote the story of Isfin , or Aredhel, her husband, Eöl , and their son, Maeglin .
Of Maeglin | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
"Of Maeglin is the sixteenth chapter of the Quenta Silmarillion which is the third part of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Silmarillion. This chapter introduces Maeglin, and his father Eöl, and tells the history of Maeglin's life from his birth to his becoming a citizen of Gondolin; including the death of Eöl.
Breaking Down 'Of Maeglin' in The Silmarillion - Tolkien Tidbits
Apr 20, 2023 · Maeglin thrives, except for in one thing – his love for Idril. Maeglin became obsessed with Idril, desiring to marry her. But I love how Tolkien says she ‘loved him not at all’: ‘he loved the beauty of Idril and desired her, without hope.
Maeglin - Villains Wiki | Fandom
Maeglin is one of the antagonists of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion. He was an Elf in the First Age of Middle-Earth, the son of Eöl, who betrayed his family to the Dark Lord Morgoth. Maeglin lived in the city of Gondolin, one of the last surviving Elvish cities of Middle-earth, in the country...