Kodava people - Wikipedia
The words Kodava (the indigenous people, language and culture) and Kodagu (the land) come from the same root word 'Koda' which means "Mist" But some claim it means 'hills', others say …
A Fascinating Guide To The Kodava People Of Coorg
Aug 8, 2020 · The men also wear a white turban on their heads called the mande thuni. These days the kuppya chale and peeche kathi are considered ceremonial attire and are worn only at …
List of Kodavas - Wikipedia
Biddu Appaiah is a Kodava (Coorgi) by birth. He is a British Indian musician and winner of Grammy award. He was pivotal in the career success of sister-brother duo, Nazia and Zoheb …
Kodavas Culture | Kodavas Festivals | Kodavas Dress - Karnataka.com
Mar 1, 2017 · Kodava men are tall and have handsome features while kodava women are pretty and appealing. They are different dresses with men wearing a wrap around robe and women …
How to wear a mandethunni, Kupya | Codagu.com
The traditional dress worn by Kodava men is called a Kupya and a jacket called a Kachche. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to wear a traditional Kodava man's dress: The Kupya is …
Kupya - Kodagu Heritage
A Kodava man’s traditional formal attire is called Kupya. About Kupya is a collarless, short-sleeved coat wrap-around that reaches below the knees and worn by Kodava men on formal …
#Kodava culture
Mar 15, 2016 · Their men sing folk-songs called baalo paat while beating dudis (small drums), during occasions such as festivals, marriage and death ceremonies, and during temple …
Kuppya Chele: Attire of a warrior culture | Kodagu First
Oct 30, 2022 · Anyone who has attended a Kodava wedding will be familiar with the traditional dress worn by Kodava men. A half-sleeved knee-length black wraparound coat, a silk sash …
Beneath the Green: Coorg’s rituals and beliefs - Go Heritage Run
Apr 3, 2017 · These proud Kodava men carry their ancestral war knives tucked away in their waistbands on the day they get married. The knives are to be kept aside in the premises of …
Costumes of Kodava or Coorg Men usually worn on occasion
Coorg Men's costume are unique namely Kupya, Chele, Vastra (headgear), Mande tuni and more which are usually worn on formal occasions like Coorg Wedding